John Beals - 2014-04-25

I am not a Linux user. I tried following the instructions to add a driver using my USB stick. The stick is in my system when I boot from CD. The boot finds the USB drive but does not load the driver. OK, I mount the USB stick and type modprobe e1000e. The command line returns with no other output. lspci | grep Ethernet shows 3 Ethernet Controllers, with the two e1000s as Unknown device 10d3. Did the driver not load? I type lsmod and the e1000e is listed.
I run wanem to get back to WANem, get WANemControl@PERC> Type help, type wanem to "Return to WANem shell." I get "Invalid command....". How do I get back to WANem?

How do I load the Intel Gigabit NIC and get back to WANem so I can use the program?