
w3OS webOS web based desktop / News: Recent posts

Zip version of w3os is Online

You can now Download the zip file and install w3os.

Posted by DouD_ 2012-10-20

Public v3 is on svn

Hello everyone,

Project has been very active for the last year (not on sourceforge though), we have re-though a lot of things in w3OS.

Main changes are :
- integrated Active Directory
- Advanced User/Group/Rights management
- Google Chrome compatibility
- Modified the look of the start menu
- Fixed a LOT of display bugs

In a word this version is clearly way better than any previous realease !

Posted by DouD_ 2012-10-20

Re Activation

This porject has stalled because over ovebooking.

I now have some free time to work on it again !

Please check for new versions soon !!

Posted by DouD_ 2007-09-10

Stable and evolutions

I ahve been using this version for some time now and it sounds stable.
I need do document the SDK to make easier devs.
However, I recently created a new application and felt it could be easier if there were functions that took a source of data and dislpayed the corresponding grid for example.

Posted by DouD_ 2007-05-25


Working on the notepad, should be available soon !

Posted by DouD_ 2007-05-22

Next step

The next step is to add small internal apps like a notepad, a html editor, a drawing tool
then we will focus on interaction (drag/drop/copy/paste ...)

Posted by DouD_ 2007-05-16

Demo is up and working again

Someone changed the password for the user demo, result no demo available anymore !!!


Posted by DouD_ 2007-05-15

Translation for w3OS

Looking for any new language to add a new translation to w3OS. any help appreciated !

Contact doud_ !!!!

Posted by DouD_ 2007-04-11

w3OS for Windows is available

Download the zip, extract, and launch start_w3os.bat !!!!

That's it, just open your browser at and log in with admin/admin/admin !!!

Posted by DouD_ 2007-04-06

w3OS_v4_01b_r2 is OUT !

Fixed previous release bug, will soon release a full working example for windows.

Posted by DouD_ 2007-04-06

Translation Help

I am looking for people who could help me translate w3OS in chinese, german, spanish, italian, russian, japanese ....
please mail me @ with subject w3OS Translation

Posted by DouD_ 2007-04-02

w3OS_v4_01b_r1 is OUT

Faster, Safer version 4.01 is very close from stable verison.
Checkt the demo at

Posted by DouD_ 2007-03-23


Someone posted a interesting question. Is there an API to manage w3OS. Well, yes and no.
Yes because you can use any function found in, however it is not documented and some function are not of any use to the user.

I will think about this API deeper as soon as v4.01b is out !

Posted by DouD_ 2007-03-20

Working on v4.01b

The w3Os web os desktop is agout to move from aplha to beta.
Indeed some bugs have been removed, comaptibily with PHP5 and Apache 2 has been increased (no need to change php.ini file for register_globals or stuff like that).
Still need to bring a properly filled database. For the moment it is filled with icons that are not linked to any application.

Posted by DouD_ 2007-03-12


I would be happy to get some feedbacks on installation of w3OS. If anybody can drop me a line ....

Thx & hope you enjoy

Posted by DouD_ 2007-03-12

w3OS_v4_01a_r4 is out !

r4 is now available:
- Better documentation
- less configuration
- more icons in the icon list
- cleaned database

Posted by DouD_ 2007-03-08

Tests results

Here are the results of the tests:
- you need to set register_globals to on in php.ini
- you need to change the error level according to the documentation online
- icons are missing, the path is not good, needs to be fixed

Appart from that is seems to work fine !

Now I have to start FIXING !

Posted by DouD_ 2007-03-07

Installation testing

I am right now testing the install doc (the one in the realease is not up to date).
And there are some bugs due to the register_global parameter in php.ini.

Posted by DouD_ 2007-03-07


The Documentation has been modified and translated into english (at last) !!!
It now explains how to install w3OS and get the lib is needs to run (DOMAPI).

Posted by DouD_ 2007-03-07


Ok, I fixed the previous OUPSs !
Now realease is clean, no old files, no licenced images (apart maybe for some backgrounds ???).

Posted by DouD_ 2007-03-07


The current had licenced files inside, I am currently cleaning the realease !
I also noticed a missed step in the installation doc !
Will post when everything is OK !

Posted by DouD_ 2007-03-07

Install script, help apreciated !

I realized that installation of the platform is a bit hard, configuring and stuff.
I am about to make version with a installation script. All you will need to have is a working xAMP solution.
If anyone has already done this his help would be most welcome. It would essentially save me time on this !

Futur is to make a installation package for Linux and Windows.

Posted by DouD_ 2007-03-07


Stats tell me that already 8 downloads have been made in less than 24hours.
I will be happy to help anyone to get w3Os up and running !

Posted by DouD_ 2007-03-06

First release !

And voila !
The first release of w3OS is available for download !
I am sorry but for the meantime the code isn't licenced, and the provided package might not fully work on all apps.
I will post a fixed and tested version soon !

If you have any problem with that, drop me a line.

Posted by DouD_ 2007-03-05

Google gadgets

I have just integrated google gadgets in the developement version.
You can have a Flash clock, stock quotes, translator, ...
Pretty cool feature !

Posted by DouD_ 2007-03-05