
Tree [776e66] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 bin 2016-11-30 VideoExpertsGroup VideoExpertsGroup [e49a47] RTSP server for android
 docs 2016-11-30 VideoExpertsGroup VideoExpertsGroup [1e3c29] Added description of new features
 libs 2016-11-30 VideoExpertsGroup VideoExpertsGroup [e49a47] RTSP server for android
 src 2016-11-30 VideoExpertsGroup VideoExpertsGroup [e49a47] RTSP server for android 2016-11-30 Video Experts Group1 Video Experts Group1 [776e66] Update

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RTSP Server for Android

A very simple server for RTSP video streaming from mobile device camera in local network

Key features:
* RTP by TCP and UDP; RTP by HTTP tunneling
* Multi-channel support – simultaneous encoding of 2 streams: Main and Secondary channels.
* Hardware acceleration – a new hardware accelerated encoder up to UHD resolution.
* Low latency for network stream – special API to control encoder latency.
* AAC and G.711 audio codecs

RTSP server 1

RTSP server 3

RTSP server 2