
VeniVidiVoti Library / News: Recent posts

Project has moved

It has moved to another forge, and to another technology.

Now it is called "parlement" and is made with ruby on rails.

It aims to be 2 things: a classic forum, mailing list, chat, newspaper, blog, AND a voting software.

Have a look here:

Posted by Emmanuel Charpentier 2006-01-24

1.0 pre3 - Rewrite

Now works with JBoss3.2 and Cocoon (2.0.4).Very large reorganisation. Delegations and propositions do not work. Reorganisation around a new EJB FacadeHandler/Facade design.

Posted by Emmanuel Charpentier 2003-02-22

1.0pre2 - Rewritten specifications

Passage to JBoss 2.2, new tartan template, rewritten specifications, bug corrections.

Posted by Emmanuel Charpentier 2001-06-05

1.0pre1 - Delegations

Acyclic delegations, overridable by choices or other delegations.

Posted by Emmanuel Charpentier 2001-02-10

Yes/no choices. Installation script.

Basic yes/no choice for each elementand threaded/nested messages are now available. A boolean bug was finally corrected, and installation is automated using a shell script (although jboss/tomcat start-up is slow).

Looking for server space where to install the VVV library!

Posted by Emmanuel Charpentier 2001-01-11

Working version. Proposing is now available.

This library is useable, to some point. Most of all you can now propose elements: chapters, articles, links or messages (actions and preferences have no use yet).
The architecture has been tweaked to include some form of security through basic identification (login/password), new users can easily be added to the library through a simple form.

Remain to implement the choose and delegate parts (not huge, but difficult).

Posted by Emmanuel Charpentier 2000-12-07

Participative internationalization finished

VeniVidiVoti's internationalization relies on its users to translated text items into the languages they want.
A simple moderation system is available to rate translations, and (should) allow for a translators college to emerge where the "best" translators will be able to make improvements or corrections.

Posted by Emmanuel Charpentier 2000-10-04

A first release (early release)

An internationalisation module is up and runnning, allowing any user to translate any text item in any language, and at the same time allowing for a sane moderation that will let the best translations and translators to get through.

Posted by Emmanuel Charpentier 2000-07-07