
Vuurmuur 0.5.61 released

Hello all!

I'm proud to release version 0.5.61 of Vuurmuur. New features are: support for
Portscan Attack Detector (PSAD) 1.4.0 and support for IP Traffic Volume
( for basic traffic accounting.

This release is now tested on Mandrake 10.1 and SUSE Linux 9.1 Personal.
Mandrake users should refer to INSTALL.MANDRAKE in the source package for
installation instructions, SUSE users to INSTALL.SUSE.

I also opened a Forum on the Sourceforge projectpage called 'Services'. The
idea is that Vuurmuur users can share their custom services in this forum.
The forum can be found here:

People using Debian and another architecture than i386 can now use the
source-install package to create their own debs. Please refer to
INSTALL.DEBIAN for details.

Various other changes were made, including bugfixes and a big update to the


The iptables option --log-tcp-options is now supported, for use with PSAD
Vuurmuur now tries to send a SIGHUP to vuurmuur_log when the interfaces have
Groups and Hosts now have a blocklist referencecounter, so adding it more than
once will result in a warning. Also you must now remove it first from the
blocklist before the host/group can be removed.
libvuurmuur's ./configure now takes an option --with-config-dir=DIR which can
be used to set the default config dir.
Fixed a tiny memory-leak in the capability-checking code.
Added support for creating debian packages from the source. This makes
building debs for other archs possible.
Added support for bandwidth monitoring using IP Traffic Volume:
Fixed a bug with virtual devices and the markiptstate option.
Vuurmuur-log now also does a reverse check on the service if no service is
found by a normal check.
A new interface by default now has all protection rules set.
Created a wrapper for set_field_buffer() because on Mandrake 10.1 it didn't
accept our input.
Added '-m tcp' to all rules containing '--tcp-flags' and '--syn' because
otherwise iptables-restore didn't work on Debian Woody.
If the vuurmuur_conf.conf file is missing, a default is now used.
Big updates to the helpfile.

Posted by Victor Julien 2005-02-08

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