
ubuntu install problem

  • naitsirhc

    naitsirhc - 2007-10-28

    I am very interested in using vuurmuur for my gateway server.  I am particularly interested in the new traffic-shaping functionality that is currently being worked on.

    I grabbed the source from the SVN server and followed the instructions for creating the 'deb' packages.  Installation using dpkg seemed to work fine, but when I try to run vuurmuuf_conf, I get an error prompt (in the ncurses gui) saying:
    'Error: loading plugins failed. (-1)'

    I checked to make sure the plugin lib file was actually installed, and it was:
    root@stewie:~$ la /usr/local/lib/vuurmuur/plugins/
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 358916 2007-10-28 16:41 /usr/local/lib/vuurmuur/plugins/

    After some searching through the forum, I found a suggestion to add the /usr/local/lib in the /etc/ file, followed by the ldconfig command.  After doing this, when running vuurmuur_conf, I receive the error:
    'Error: could not open configfile '/usr/local/etc/vuurmuur/config.conf': No such file or directory (in: init_config).'

    It seems that there is some confusion going on with the paths, since '/etc' is being treated as a relative location, not an absolute.

    Any suggestions?


    • Victor Julien

      Victor Julien - 2007-10-29

      You did create the packages by going into the svn source and typing 'dpkg-buildpackage' in libvuurmuur, then install the package, go into the vuurmuur directory, etc? With this method the path used should just be /etc/vuurmuur, not /usr/local/etc/vuurmuur. If so, can you collect the output of the dpkg-buildpackage command and send it to me?


      • naitsirhc

        naitsirhc - 2007-10-31

        Hi Victor,

        I sent you an email with the dpkg-buildpackage output for each of: libvuurmuur, vuurmuur, and vuurmuur-conf.  I agree that the path should be /etc/vuurmuur and the path /etc/vuurmuur DOES exist after the dpkg installation using the generated .deb files.  However, when I run vuurmuur_conf, it complains that it cannot find the configuration files at /usr/local/etc/vuurmuur.  Thus, it seems that vuurmuur_conf is looking in the wrong path for the configuration files, since the installation placed them in their correct home, /etc/vuurmuur.

        Any help would be appreciated.


        • Victor Julien

          Victor Julien - 2007-10-31

          The only thing I can really think of is that there is an older copy of vuurmuur installed that gets in the way. Did you previously install Vuurmuur in a different way, for example using the script or even by just using ./configure, make and make install? If so, please make sure every part of Vuurmuur in these places is removed, remove the debs, and rebuild them. Make sure that you install the libvuurmuur deb before building the vuurmuur and vuurmuur_conf debs.

          I hope this helps!


    • naitsirhc

      naitsirhc - 2007-11-04

      Thanks for the recommendation, Victor.  I had indeed tried installing through 'make install' previously.  I used 'make uninstall', but apparently remnants were left behind :)  I deleted the remaining vuurmuur directories and files and reinstalled from the deb files and things are working nicely now.

      Thanks again for the help!


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