
Tree [d7fbb9] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 Autoencoder 2023-04-18 tavuong tavuong [2b1e62] Autoencoder
 Fabian 2024-07-28 Fabi Fabi [5a7242] Added ControlNet workflows and custom node "Ope...
 Leo_Translationsmodell 2023-11-14 tavuong tavuong [75f233] LEO TRanslationmodell update
 Nils 2024-08-13 nils19024 nils19024 [ef9241] Workflows und Custom Node Ordner
 Tobias 2024-04-16 Tobias Steinbacher Tobias Steinbacher [9ca8a4] final lora modell mit workflows und beispielinputs
 LICENSE.txt 2023-04-18 tavuong tavuong [294dfa] MIT Licence 2024-07-24 tavuong tavuong [0782bc] Readme test

Read Me

Demo Kit is used for study Artificial Intelligence technology


ACTIV (Ai-app-Chatgpt-TexttoImage-Video) is developing for study Artificial Intelligence technology technology.

Software is writing in JavaScript / Pythobn .

Have fun!

Vuong-ACTIV Team

Have fun!
Vuong-ACTIV Team
Vuong, Schmidt, Fabian , Tobias


Licence is attached in each app
Source code could be download from