
Spacer / News: Recent posts

End of Spacer

Hello readers,<br>
after a longtime i decide, that i will close this Project.<br>
If someone will download the last, he can do this.
The sources and binary's will stay online so long as possible.<br>
But someday this project will get deleted by me or sourceforge.<br>
I hope someone can use this project.<br>
fg martin

Posted by Anonymous 2009-02-21

Future of Spacer

Hello Developers,
after a long time of thinking, what i will do, i decided, that i will add only a GUI and some Items/Enemys to Spacer.

This is all what i what to do now.
After that, i finished this Project.
But i hope, there will be another Team, that builds a better Game with the original sources.

As next Project, i will create a C++ Framework for Gamedevelopers that uses SDL, SDL_image and SDL_mixer.
Its the core Framework of spacer, but later i plan to add an OpenGL Support for 3D :)
I hope, sourceforge will host this Project too.
So i hope, you had your fun with spacer ;)... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2008-10-10

New File Releases

Hello Developers,
after a long Morning of scripting and development, i have released the new version of spacer.
I set all sprites/sounds to the old space runner Version.
you can change this by editing the global.ini.
This file must now placed in the same folder like the executable :)
The scriptsfolder will now containing other scripts and language files :)

I hope you see, how powerful spacer and gINI now ;)... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2008-10-03

News from the Front

Hello developers,
after long time of hard coding, i have created a new Clientcode.

I have changed the notation of the code.
its not perfect, but its more like C++.
The Notation isn't final, so dont wonder about this junk.

I will add a new Version of gINI.
Its much saver and its only read one time the whole File and then you can get the Values from the RAM.
It works fine so, you can do a lot of stuff with it ;)... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2008-10-01

Newer Version of gINI in Spacer

after a longer time, i added a newer Version of gINI.
This is not the newest Version, but it works :)

After adding it, i rewrite the Methods in the Manager classes, so that Values now readed from the global.ini.

This works really good.
I will add the newest Version of gINI soon.
But first i must fix some bugs in the Framework and must fix the whole code.
The reason of that is, that i changed the protected to private in every class.
That is much saver but now i have a lot of work :/... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2008-09-21

Tests with gINI and Spacer

i have make some simple tests with Spacer and gINI.
The results are very nice.
I can use gINI to set values for all important things like Life, Armor and Score.

For little modification and changes for Sound, Sprites etc. it is very usefull.

I will create a new Client for Spacer in the next Week.
There you can try it.

fg Martin

Posted by Anonymous 2008-07-27

New Sources and Clients.

i have made some changes to the old code and client.
We have now a new structure of the folders and a smaller gameclass.
The most code is now handled by managerclasses.

They communicate between a definitionlayer and the gameclass.

The new SVN release contains the new clients and sources for Win32 and Linux.
But i'm still searching a Mac OS X Developer for an offical Mac OS X Build and sources.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2008-06-24

SourceForge Sites only

i have uploaded the last clients for Windows and Linux.
Then i have uploaded the sources to Subversion.
Everyone can know download and modify the last stable release.

The next Version is still in development.
There are new classes for managing the Codes, they dont should go into the Gameclass.

fg Martin

Posted by Anonymous 2008-06-21