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File Date Author Commit
 TestApplication 2013-02-24 Matthew Vukomanovic Matthew Vukomanovic [a4f689] change the test application to reference the ne...
 Vukos.VisualStudio.ConfigurationManager 2013-02-25 Matthew Vukomanovic Matthew Vukomanovic [5b0d33] correct the names to ViewModel's
 .gitattributes 2013-02-24 Matthew Vukomanovic Matthew Vukomanovic [5a863a] include a git attributes file to make the addin...
 .gitignore 2013-02-24 Matthew Vukomanovic Matthew Vukomanovic [cebbe0] Ignore local*/ directories
 README 2013-02-24 Matthew Vukomanovic Matthew Vukomanovic [3f0af1] Change the readme file to have a lot more infor...
 Vukos.VisualStudio.ConfigurationManager.sln 2013-02-24 Matthew Vukomanovic Matthew Vukomanovic [90eacf] Include the readme in the solution

Read Me

= Initial setup =
== Create Junctions ==
The project uses local junction folders to point to different local/network folders.
This has been done because multiple people (or even a single person on different computers) wanting to code at the same time causes some issues for the handling of the files

So get the path to your local/remote documents directory, ''NOTE: this can be different, you'll want to the remote one most likely''

The easiest way that i have found to do this is to create a juction to my "Documents folder" like so:
* junction "XXXSOME PATH TO YOUR USERNAME FOLDER XXX\Documents" localdocuments

Then create one which is either to vs 2012 or 2010 depending on what you are working with
* junction "localdocuments\Visual Studio 2010\Addins" localaddin
* junction "localdocuments\Visual Studio 2012\Addins" localaddin

== Copy the add-in to the documents folder ==
Run the command Vukos.VisualStudio.ConfigurationManager\createtestingaddin.bat
which copies the addin to the path that is needed so that visual studios can see it.

== Change starup properties of Project ==
Change the start properties to start a version of visual studio (2010 or 2012) and send this command line arg
* C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe
* C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe

You need to change the path to the correct path for your installation of visual studio

* /resetaddin Vukos.VisualStudio.ConfigurationManager.ConfigurationPlugin

Set the working path to the visual studio path

= Installing =
You need to build the solution and then it should all just work.

== Special Note ==
If you are trying to change the plug-in while it is loaded in the ide, then you will probably come across a problem.
What i have often done to get around this is to close the ide's that i have open, delete the add-in and then open this project and build it.
Copy the add-in back into the localaddin folder.
Run a debug version like normal.

Once done it should all be back to normal.

== Second Note ==
This isn't actually what i would consider really installing the plug-in properly. However I'll get around to writting the instructions correctly when i'm not going to rush off to play tennis :)