
Why MAC is made mandatory in BACnet ? even though having unique "Device instance"

Ravi teja
  • Ravi teja

    Ravi teja - 2024-03-21

    From BACnet Standards came to know below understanding . But still wondering Why MAC is made mandatory in BACnet ? even though having unique "Device instance"

    Device Instance
    The instance portion of the Object Identifier of a given device’s Device object. Unlike all other object types, each device may contain only one Device object. The instance number of this Device object must be field-configurable so that it may be assigned a unique instance number among all of the Device objects of all of the devices on a given BACnet internetwork.
    A BACnet MS/TP device supports device DI in the range 0 to 4,194,302.

    Medium Access Control (MAC)
    The part of a network that handles access to the physical network (medium) for a particular datalink. In BACnet, each device has a unique MAC Address/Network Number combination that identifies it on the BACnet internetwork.
    A BACnet MS/TP device supports device MAC addresses in the range 0-127 for masters and 0-254 for slaves.

    • Steve Karg

      Steve Karg - 2024-03-21

      MAC is needed in BACnet for the same reason as hardware MAC is needed for TCP/IP - see ARP (address resolution protocol).

      Additionally, there are many datalink layers, not just MS/TP (similar to the way TCP/IP has many datalink layers). Therefore there are a variety of MAC sizes, plus the additional routing layer (network number) to be able to find a Device ID that is within the connected network of various MAC layers (datalinks).

      Using the Device Instance (ID) to determine the MAC (and network number) is BACnet's address resolution protocol.

  • Ravi teja

    Ravi teja - 2024-03-22

    Thanks Steve Karg . Can you please clarify the below points as well
    1) Why MAC address is not made unique across networks. (OR) How BACnet network works with the 2 devices having same MAC address .Refer the attached screenshot.
    2) How to differentiate and create 2 separate MSTP networks . can you send , network diagram with the communication configuration . I wanted to create this set up in our lab


    Last edit: Ravi teja 2024-05-14
  • Dennis V McEnaney

    F.Y.I. The 'DADR' value is generally a virtual MAC address, not a registered one (- with an OU assigned/included).

    But otherwise, proper MAC/physical/burned-in addresses should be unique; unless the unlikely case that Carrera Technology supposedly once had whereby the country (/Singapore?) that sold them bulk NICs had apparently copied the firmware verbatim - they all had the same MAC address assigned/burnt onto them; network-conflict city (!). ;P

  • Ravi teja

    Ravi teja - 2024-05-14

    Is any guide/manual to refer on below topics

    • UTC Sych not working in broadcast and working with Unicast . Is this expected behavior or defect ?
    • How to test Remote , Local and Global broadcast using VTS tool . What is the required test environment and connection details ?
      Thanks in advance

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