
What is Local , Global and remote broadcast ? what is local station and remote station?

Ravi teja
  • Ravi teja

    Ravi teja - 2024-03-19

    Please help me to understand the clear difference between below terms.
    1) Local broadcast
    2) Global broadcast
    3) Local Station
    4) Remote station


    Last edit: Ravi teja 2024-03-19
  • John Hartman

    John Hartman - 2024-03-19

    All of those terms are defined in the BACnet standard. The standard is not free, but you are unlikely to get very far in understanding BACnet without it.

  • Ravi teja

    Ravi teja - 2024-03-21

    Thanks John ,
    I got only below limited information from BACnet standard . We wanted to test our MSTP Drives
    Local Broadcast :- A message addressed to all devices or nodes on the same BACnet network with in the originator network.
    Remote Broadcast :- A message addressed to all devices or nodes on a different BACnet network except the originator network.
    Global Broadcast :- A message addressed to all devices or nodes on all networks in a BACnet inter-network.

    Question1 ** :- Is all this 3 Broadcast are applicable for pure BACnet MSTP networks ?
    Question2 ** :- Is below 2 test scnario's produces positive results ?
    i) Global Broadcast from a Remote Network
    ii) Local Broadcast from a Remote Network


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