
Tree [21e18d] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 include 2016-01-31 Angelo Dureghello Angelo Dureghello [21e18d] Fix wrong moving block on new line
 src 2016-01-31 Angelo Dureghello Angelo Dureghello [21e18d] Fix wrong moving block on new line 2016-01-30 Angelo Dureghello Angelo Dureghello [8dd669] fix README
 makefile 2016-01-24 Angelo Dureghello Angelo Dureghello [a4175d] Various fixes on moving cursor
 makefile.m68k 2016-01-25 Angelo Dureghello Angelo Dureghello [4320d1] fix m68k makefile

Read Me


A "small systems" editor

  • This editor should cross-compile with gnu g++ / make for all minimal
    no-mmu Linux systems as can be a ColdFire cpu based system.

  • No special special libraries to be linked with are required. A sample
    makefile.m68k is supplied.

  • It can be useful in place of other common editors for Linux that can't be
    cross-compiled easily for one reason or another, and you don't want to get
    stucked with "vi" or similar editors that don't show any help on the UI so
    they force you to study their way.

  • It was originally devleoped for PC and no-mmu linux ColdFire / uClinux based systems.
