
VTD XML memory with varying document depth

  • Venkata Pavan Kumar Vemuri

    I tried to run the benchmark programs of VTD for memory available in this website…with two xml files of the same size and having same number of tags but varying mas nesting depths( one having max nesting depth of 5 and the other having max nesting depth of 25).

    I found that the memory usage decreased with increase in nesting depth. Can you please help me understand why there is a decrease in memory usage with increase in nesting depth for VTD.

  • jimmy zhang

    jimmy zhang - 2010-02-19

    well, generally speaking vtd-xml memory usage is proportional the total # of tokens of a given XML file, it is a weak function of the sturctural complexity of the document…

    so if the deep document has less tokens, then you would expect it to consume less memory


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