
Beginner questions

G. Salazar
  • G. Salazar

    G. Salazar - 2007-04-26

    Say, I just learned about Visual Tcl and I was giving it a try.

    Went through the was o.k.

    Saw the generated! I am not sure I liked what I saw.

    Is Visual Tcl intended to be used from beginning to end in the development process of a tcl application?  Because I would have a hard time finding my way around the generated code if I had to edit it without vTcl.

    Can I start my application outside vTcl, in my own style and then import it to better visualize it and fine tune it?  I read in the home that one is supposed to be able to import existing code; but I tried opening a little program and vTcl immediately complained about it not being a valid vTcl project.  How to import? Is there a minimal skeleton that the code needs to meet?  Please provide a minimalistic (supposedly) hand-typed one-button program that vTcl will read/open.



    • dzach

      dzach - 2007-04-26


      I ran into the same problem in the past. The way I found my way through the code produced by vTcl was to do

      Compound -> Save as tclet

      and use the code produced, which doesn't contain vTcl's structures

      I hope this helps

      • Nuno João

        Nuno João - 2007-04-26

        You are not supposed to change code generated by vTcl. vTcl was designed to build an application from the ground up, always developing inside vTcl. If you need external code you can source files in the main or init functions.
        In File -> Preferences there's an option to save "as multiple files". This makes vTcl save the project in multiple files and, among other things, it will save one file for each toplevel; you can source these files in your own applications, but the files depend on a vTcl code "library" that is not saved in its own file, making it more difficult to use. This is one of the things that will be changed in the next version...
        It's also probably possible to use "compounds" to save GUI blocks into a file and use them in another application, but I haven't yet looked into it in detail.


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