
Latest Active Tcl free version and Visual Tcl

  • Mac

    Mac - 2015-05-03

    Tried getting latest version of Active Tcl's download, the free one. Got it. installed it. Works fine. Tried getting Visual Tcl downloaded and installed. Had troubles on the install. After some twiddling, seem to have gotten it installed. Tried running it and it errored out. in tkcon, the error "version conflict for package "TK": have 8.6.4, need exactly 8.6" was displayed. Tried fooling it by letting it expect 8.6.4 (modified tkcon). vTcl came up and looked good, but when adding or attempting to manage widgets and such, they didn't get added to the tree and had no attributes to manipulate. Any ideas out there? Will vTcl be modified to handle this latest version of Tcl/Tk from Active?

  • Nebiun

    Nebiun - 2015-06-23

    Well. Correct from youserf.

    Open lib/tkcon.tcl
    On line 43 replace $tcl_version with $tcl_patchLevel
    Save and close the file

    It's all.


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