
VSL: Virtual Steganographic Laboratory / News: Recent posts

vsl-1.1 Released

New version of the VSL has been released. Among several improvements and fixes most notable is new steganography module - F5. F5 uses DCT transformation in JPEG images. Application supports now JPEG steganography.

Full list of changes:

* Changed description of the "scaling params" BSM-SVM module (0000001)
* Changed LIBSVM to version 2.89
* Improved Display window tool sizing (0000002)
* Added XML schema for modules configuration file (0000005)
* Fixed Display window sizing issue (0000007)
* Fixed handling files with alpha channel in Gaussian Noise, Median,
Salt & Pepper and KLT modules (0000008)
* Added new module for JPEG DCT steganography - F5 (0000009)
* Added support for JPEG steganography
* Improved executions efficiency
* Changed Display window image filter to show all supported formats
* Improved Output: added drop down for selecting output image format
* Fixed NPE in the Input window
* Added "-1" as an error return value along with gentle error handling in Report
* Fixed Input connecting bug

Posted by Michal Wegrzyn 2011-02-07

VSL update

Recently project has been migrated from Netbeans structure to Maven (along with packages refactoring). Also code has been migrated from SVN to GIT repository.

New steganographic module is on the way - fresh VSL version containing it should be released very shortly.

Posted by Michal Wegrzyn 2010-12-03

100% Free award

"Softpedia guarantees that Virtual Steganographic Laboratory (VSL) 1.0 is 100% Free, which means it does not contain any form of malware, including but not limited to: spyware, viruses, trojans and backdoors."

Source -

Posted by Michal Wegrzyn 2009-11-11

VSL video tutorial

You can find on - - VSL video tutorial. It nicely shows how simple in use is VSL.

Video introduces one of the simplest use-cases for Virtual Steganographic Laboratory - hiding data with LSB steganography in image and extracting it afterwards.

Posted by Michal Wegrzyn 2009-07-02

vsl-1.0 Released

VSL is a simple, easy to use software for steganography, steganalysis and watermarking. It gives scientists and students a powerful tool for conducting wide range of experiments involving different types of message embedding, diverse attacks (employing image processing algorithms) and steganalysis with the use of popular methods.

Due to its use of generics (and few other features) it requires at least Java 1.5 (5.0).... read more

Posted by Michal Wegrzyn 2009-06-02

Start of the project

The VSL (Virtual Steganographic Laboratory) project has started on SF. Its main purpose is using, testing and adding new techniques both for steganography and steganalysis for digital images.

Many steganographic application are usually command-line tools or very simple GUIs which consists of one choosen method. VSL provides framework for complex yet simple to arrange experiments and methods testing. It can use many methods simultaneously and everyone can add a new one.... read more

Posted by Michal Wegrzyn 2009-04-23