
VSEDebug VS.NET Debugging Enhancement / News: Recent posts

vsedebug v1.0c

I've released an update to v1.0b with the main bug fix, as well as a couple others, including the extra menu item after install. Get it over in the downloads page.

Posted by Matthew Mitchell 2004-04-23

New Bug and Mailing List

I've just discovered a rather pervasive bug that has been introduced as a result of the last release. I am commencing a fix tonite.

In addition, I am going to start a mailing list for suggestions and bug reports as well as announcements.

Posted by Matthew Mitchell 2004-04-23

vsedebug v1.0b

I've released an update to v1.0a with a bug fix that has been missing for a couple versions. Head over to the Homepage or the release changelog for details.

Posted by Matthew Mitchell 2004-04-21

VSEDebug release 1.0a

It's finally here, whether you were waiting for it or not. VSEDebug release 1.0a. Not much added in. A few bug fixes and a font selectiont tool for the debug windows.

Posted by Matthew Mitchell 2004-04-16

vsedebug Version 1 Beta Release

Well, after the last release fiasco, I think I have it in a workable form:

VSEDebug Release Version 1 Beta - Release Notes

This was originally intended to be a full, non-beta release, but the proliferation of 1 particular error has kept me from doing so. Although I'm not sure whether it's my fault or not, the addin can sometimes hang for short periods of time (10 seconds to a minute or two), during an update. Why it does this is a mystery to me right now, as it seems rather random. It may simply be a factor of the IDE and my debugger calls. Thus, the manual updates are left as the default update mode in this release. Even so, you may experience some difficulty. Please provide me with some feedback on if and when this happens.... read more

Posted by Matthew Mitchell 2003-07-18