
Development Update

I thought I would post a quick update to let those interested know where we are at in the development process. Over the last month, Brent and I (mostly Brent) have worked hard to make some badly needed changes to the backend scanning system of the VSC. I'm pleased to say that the new scan queue system detailed in previous posts has become a reality. Now I'm basically playing catch-up getting UI to reflect these new updates. If you are interested in looking at the new code for the backend, please see the "daemon" module within the vscweb CVS module.

As usual you can always grab the latest CVS, however there is really no documentation yet, nor is there any reporting mechanism to work with the new scanning system.

As of now the current "to do" list consists of making many changes in the user interface. These changes revolve around 1) increased usability 2) code cleanup. Also on the "to do" list is scan report generation. Once these two undertakings have finished, we'll do some testing, slap together some documentation and send 2.0 beta out the door - expect it to be very different (in a good way) from the existing 1.99 preview release.

Posted by Matt Wirges 2004-04-22

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