
Vulnerability Scanning Cluster / News: Recent posts

VSC Project Management Returns to SourceForge

The VSC Project Management is returning to SourceForge after more than a year and a half. This return is due in part to the addition of subversion support to SourceForge (as well as tremendous improvements in the site overall), and due to the fact that I will be leaving Purdue at the end of this month for a new job, and Purdue may not be directly contributing to the project any longer.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me: matt at bitwarehouse dot com

Posted by Matt Wirges 2006-08-02

Bugs go here

All, I don't like the SourceForge bug tracker, so I've switched to a tracking software called Flyspray. The VSC bugtracker can be accessed here: <a href=''></a>.

Posted by Matt Wirges 2004-12-28

VSC 2.0 Beta 1 released

The first of two VSC Betas has been released. Details can be found here:

Please feel free to test the heck out of this and send bug reports to A final release is expected mid-December here on SourceForge.

Posted by Matt Wirges 2004-11-10

Election Day Update

A quick update for those of you who were expecting a release last month. Due to circumstances outside of my control, I was forced to suspend completion of the VSC Installer and therefore do not have anything yet to release. However, now I'm back on the bug-fixing/installer development and should have something out soon. Please check back here, or at my blog ( updates and the official 2.0beta release announcement.... read more

Posted by Matt Wirges 2004-11-02

Project Status Update

I'm sure the project looks dead, but worry not it is still alive. I personally have been on a coding hiatus for the past summer for several reasons. At any rate, I thought it would be a good idea to update those who are interested on the project status and give you the "roadmap" for the 2.0 release.

1) Reporting Module - 9/1/2004
The reporting module is one of two things stopping the new and improved 2.0 release. I've spent some time thinking up how it should work and have outlined it on my development blog ( Once its finished, we'll be very close to the beta release.... read more

Posted by Matt Wirges 2004-08-18

Development Update

I thought I would post a quick update to let those interested know where we are at in the development process. Over the last month, Brent and I (mostly Brent) have worked hard to make some badly needed changes to the backend scanning system of the VSC. I'm pleased to say that the new scan queue system detailed in previous posts has become a reality. Now I'm basically playing catch-up getting UI to reflect these new updates. If you are interested in looking at the new code for the backend, please see the "daemon" module within the vscweb CVS module.... read more

Posted by Matt Wirges 2004-04-22

Updated scan queue/scheduler design

I finally finished putting the contents of a Friday afternoon brainstorm session together on the new scan queue. Some of the features will include scan priorities, better reoccuring scans, and pausing scans. Details can be found here: . Brent's already started work on the new vscd and we're also working on writing database interface functions in Perl.

Posted by Matt Wirges 2004-03-08

development is ongoing...

Just in case you are wondering through this site, despite statistics being nil for this project, I assure you that development is ongoing. Currently, we are working on replacing the entire scan queue system with a new, very efficient, daemon called "vscd". This daemon will be handling scan queues, daily tasks, and eventually report generation. The queue is written entirely in perl and will no longer require the nessus client in order to communicate with the nessus cluster. ... read more

Posted by Matt Wirges 2004-03-03

VSC 1.99.1 Preview Released

A preview release of the VSC version 2.0 has been released today. The release should be considered unstable, but should give you an idea of where we are at and where we are headed with the project. If you have any issues, please send email to

The CHANGELOG isn't currently available, but I'm working on it.

Posted by Matt Wirges 2004-02-20

VSC available soon.

At long last the Vulnerability Scanning Cluster open sourcing has been approved by Purdue University. I'm currently working on cleaning up, importing CVS, and will hopefully be able to get a CVS snapshot of version 1.1 and the development tree available for download. Check back periodically within the next week for updates.

Posted by Matt Wirges 2004-02-12