
'TextureState' and 'Sampler' not found

Bug Report
  • Waldofrido

    Waldofrido - 2006-03-28

    -at line:
    private TextureState textureState0; and
    private TextureState textureState1;

    Error    1    The type or namespace name 'TextureState' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)    C:\Virii\Ovorp\Graphics\D3DFont.cs    40    13    Ovorp

    - at line:
    private Sampler samplerState0;

    Error    3    The type or namespace name 'Sampler' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)    C:\Virii\Ovorp\Graphics\D3DFont.cs    42    13    Ovorp

    i'm with Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition and with Direct X9 SDK installed.
    How can I solve this problem?

    • Waldofrido

      Waldofrido - 2006-03-28

      i solved myself, but other problem happened:

      i'd download the latest version, and when i compiled the solution, i have to replace the lines:
      private TextureState textureState0;
      private TextureState textureState1;
      private SamplerState samplerState0;
      private RenderStates renderState;

      from the lines:
      private TextureStateManager textureState0;
      private TextureStateManager textureState1;
      private SamplerStateManager samplerState0;
      private RenderStateManager renderState;

      otherwise the solution don't compiles.
      now, when i'll run the project "OvorpServer_Virii", the program show me a message: The working directory does not exist: 'Z:\LocalRepository\Ovorp\TestEnv'.
      and not run.
      I don't have a partition Z:\, and i'd modificate only the lines above.

      can anyone to help me?
      thanks a lot.


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