
Is there a Binary version

Virii Game
  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I am going to be giving a presentation of Robocode in a Brown Bag at my work.  I would like to also showcase Virii, but as I am not a C#/.Net developer I have no tools to compile the code.  Is there a binary version somewhere I could download and run?  Also what are the options for people interested in learning C# personally?  Obviously I would rather not pay for Visual Studio .Net (about 3-4 hundred dollors according to froogle).

    Tanks for your support :-)
    Pat O

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2004-10-08

      the binary release is included in the source package, under the TestEnv directory. Use the virii.bat file to launch the game. the binaries are compiled under the .net 2.0 beta, you can get it by following this link,

      the .net framework comes with command line compilers, just like the jdk, and you dont need vs to code in c#, but lucky for us the beta version of vs 2005 is FREE, you can get it from here,

      ps, the vs 2005 beta is bundled with .net 2.0

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      OK, I got everything installed and I guess it's working.  Now I am wondering if there is a chunk of getting started documentation somewhere.  I looked at the API docs.  It seems similar to Robocode.  I guess I am looking for a my first robot example to get me moving.  In Robocode the first example just moves forward and backward.  The turret spins after each move.  If a robot is scanned then the turret is fired.  Could someone leave code like that here so I can play with it?

      Tanks for your support
      Pat O

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      New problem, I realized that the server is not starting.  I ran it with this command line: OvorpServer.exe Ovorp.dll 1750.  And got a file not found error for the file: Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.  I have directX 9 installed.  Any ideas?
      Should I put this off for a couple of months?

      Pat O
      Tanks for your support

      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2004-10-13

        you are loading the wrong dll into the server. it should be something like "ovorpserver.exe virii/virii.dll". try use the virii.bat file instead.

        as for the sample bot, there is a bot i use for testing. its code is included in the source release and it can be found under "\Virii\Virii\SampleBots\Bender". to run your first bot, first make sure the client is running properly (make sure you can move the bot with your arrow keys), and press ~ key to bring down the console. in the console, type "Load virii/bender.dll" (case sensitive). Press ~ again to close the console. Also, type "Unload" in the console to, well, unload the AI.

        i cant remember what exactly bender bot do, but it doesnt do much. it should give you a skeleton to get started.

        note to self, set up a faq section...

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thanks, all is well in the world now.  One last question, do I need DirectX 9 SDK if I want to build my own robots?  I assume not.  I'll play with it tonight and then I should have what I need for Friday.

      Thanks for all your help.

      Pat O

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      you dont need the sdk, all the directx related dll's you need to link are in the TestEnv directory. you have to browse for them when you add them as references.


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