
0.68.0 released

I was able to find some time this month to work on new Vrapper features, including some plugin requests that have been sitting around for a while. Of course, this project is so mature now that we're looking at the more obscure features in Vim but all of these were requested by users filing Issues on our GitHub page. We hope you continue to enjoy Vrapper!

  • Fixed issue where recording a macro would overwrite the unnamed register
  • Fixed issue executing a macro with a count
  • Fixed issue where * search wasn't using iskeyword value to determine word boundaries
  • Fixed sentence motions ( ) and text object s when sentence ends on a newline
  • Added support for Mac command key mappings <D-
  • Added support for % to jump between block comment /* */ tokens
  • Added support for \%V in command-line substitutions and search for limiting to visually selected area
    • useful when selection isn't line-based
  • Added support for \k regex class for iskeyword value
  • Added support for searching from command-line (ex) mode :/ and :?
  • Added support for <Leader> and :let mapleader=
  • Added support for comment text objects ic/ac and iC/aC
    • supports single line comments //, #, --
    • supports block comments /* */, <!-- -->
    • See this comment for more details
  • Created a new optional plugin for sub-word motions
    • Moves over words within snake_case and camelCase names
    • Based loosely on
    • Details here: Sub-Word Plugin
    • Convenience command :subwordmappings will setup default mappings:
      map \b <Plug>(subword-back)
      map \e <Plug>(subword-end)
      map \w <Plug>(subword-word)
      map i\ <Plug>(subword-inner)
      map a\ <Plug>(subword-outer)
  • Created a new optional plugin to "cycle" through word replacements
    • Based on
    • Details here: Cycle Plugin
    • <C-a>/<C-x> will replace word under cursor with next item in cycle
    • :AddCycleGroup foo bar baz = foo->bar->baz->foo->...
    • Default cycle true->false will toggle "true" to "false" with a single keystroke
Posted by Kevin 2016-06-04

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