
Updates to unstable update site (plus a minor rant)

Time for another monthly status update on Vrapper. For the last couple years, our GitHub Issues page has hovered around 30 open defects/feature requests. Defects have been filed and fixed and we always seemed to have about 30 open at any given time. This last month brought with it what I'm going to call some "overzealous" new users. We jumped from having ~30 defects to having over 50 in one month. 13 of those issues were filed by a single person. Now, I don't take this as a sign that Vrapper is unstable. I may be overly optimistic here, but I think it's actually because Vrapper has reached a point where we meet about 95% of most users' use cases. We're down to the esoteric features and nit-picking defects; which is to say, the really hard stuff. Just take a look at the current changes on our unstable update site:

  • Added support for 'c_<C-R>_<C-W>' and 'c_<C-R>_<C-A>'
    • Insert word under cursor into command-line
  • Added support for 'n' flag in substitutions
    • Count matches without performing substitution
  • Fixed issue with using counts on a non-linewise paste
  • Fixed issue with '}' in visual mode with ipmotion.vim plugin
  • Fixed issue with 'incsearch' and '?' search mode
  • Fixed issue with cursor position after a 'u' undo
  • Fixed issue with ']' mark after deleting text
  • Fixed issue with cursor position in visual mode when using "selection=exclusive"
  • Fixed issue with performing multiple searches while in visual mode
  • Fixed issue with enabling Vrapper while a text selection was active
  • Fixed issue with pasting on an empty line with windows newlines
  • Fixed issues with Vrapper interacting with Perforce plugin

There are very few items in that list that I think are generally applicable or would affect a large number of users (and those are just the items we were able to fix). Hopefully this is a sign that the majority of our users are happy with Vrapper. Hopefully the majority of our users aren't even running into most of the defects we're fixing at this point.

**Changes in behavior**
One last thing. I removed a couple configurable options which nobody should've been using anyway. We had support for "saney" and "sanecw" which would modify the behavior of 'Y' and 'cw' to be more consistent with other Vim commands (despite our 'Y' and 'cw' being consistent with Vim's 'Y' and 'cw'). I removed these options because Vim's own documentation says to use ":map Y y$" and ":map cw dwi" if you want that "sane" behavior. I think our "saney" and "sanecw" options were added before Vrapper had support for ":map" but they are no longer necessary since we've had ":map" for a while now.

Posted by Kevin 2014-09-07

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