
Getting started

  • Get the normal version of VPX to work properly first. The installer can be downloaded here on sourceforge There are several good tutorials and how to's.
  • If you don't have SteamVR working yet go to download and install the client, get a steam account, set up your VR environment and test it with a free VR game.
  • Download the latest file and extract it to your visual pinball folder. Launch VPinballX_GL.exe and test if it is working properly (it should use the same settings as your regular VPX).
  • Set up VR: Go to Preferences => Video/Graphics Options... and change 3D Stereo Output to SteamVR:
    Video/Graphics Options

  • Use Y-axis, Offset, Separation and ZPD are only for stereo displays and can be ignored for VR.

  • For VR only the settings starting with VR are relevant:
  • VR Slope: The visual slope of the table in degrees. 0 is a flat pinball table, 90 is a wall mounted table. Most normal tables have a slope of 6-7 degrees. This value does not affect physics.
  • VR Table orientation: The rotation of the table around the height axis. The center of the rotation is the far left corner of the table (where the backbox should be mounted). Values can be positive or negative. Positive values rotate the table clockwise, negative counter-clockwise.
  • VR Table X/Y: Where the table is located in your VR room. The X/Y directions do not change when you rotate the table. So with an orientation of 0 positive X values move the table to the right, negative to the left. Postive Y forward and negative Y backwards. All units are measured in centimeters (1 inch is 2.54 cm and 4 inches are about 10cms).
  • VR Table height: the height of the playfield above ground.

I've tested this so far only with a HTC Vive and a roomscale setup. If you have issues with an Oculus Rift, Microsoft Mixed Reality or a standing/seating setup, send me an email or use the Bugtracker. I will see what I can do. You can also send me an email if everything is working fine with specific values for seating/standing. I will update this Wiki accordingly.

Also I've only tested it on a Nvidia and an Intel GPU yet. So if anyone with an AMD/ATI GPU can verify if it works, just send me an email. And for all bugs send me an email or use the Bugtracker. There are still several rendering issues.