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    Hi all!, the most actual in progress version of VPS C++ sources, for Windows 10, compiled and tested with Visual Studio 2017 it's available from my GitHub repository:


    1. You should have Windows 10 installed on your computer.
    2. Install Visual Studio 2017.
    3. Install the NuGet extension for Git repositories.
    4. Open Visual Studio.
    5. Open a new C++ empty project.
    6. In the Solution's explorer, select your project -> right click.
    7. Manage NuGet packages.
    8. In the NuGet Package Manager - Search for: "Allegro"
    9. Install the last Allegro 5 version, e.g.: Allegro 5.2.4
    10. Come back to Solution's explorer.
    11. Select your project, right click -> properties.
    12. Go to Allegro 5 -> "type library" -> make all dynamic.
    13. Click on "addons" -> turn on all of them: "yes".
    14. Now download the source code from GitHub for VPS.
    15. It is organized as {main.cpp+headers.h+images+fonts.ttf}
    16. copy the files to your project's subdirectory folder, typically: myproject\myproject
    17. Go again to your solution's explorer, on your Visual Studio project:
    18. Add the resource files: images, fonts.ttf
    19. Add the header files
    20. Add the main.cpp file
    21. Compile the solution
    22. You will see the first time gets slowly because it will download the
    23. NuGet packages corresponding to Allegro 5.2.4
    24. Your program should run ok.

    Last edit: MIGUEL TOLEDO GONZÁLEZ 2018-09-26

    Hi again. I have - after some headaches - got the program to really work with native (in source code) multi-thread support. After I could solve the problems of events-interference (mouse+keyboard+timer+numerical calculations delay), I really couldn't believe that it could work fine with 91 particles, and C(91, 2)=4095 interactions-processors. That is, the combinations of 91 elements taken as pairs. Buf! The problem was, that the program was mixing events from different sources in the same event-queue. The solution: parallel management of events, by implementing the corresponding event-queue according to the type of event. Also, processing such a way:
    MainProcess={P(eventType1,EventQueue1)+P(eventType2,EventQueue2), ... }, the result: Events of low-frequency doesn't interfere - delay - other events of higher frequency, letting all the kind of events flow in harmony...


    Last edit: MIGUEL TOLEDO GONZÁLEZ 2018-09-26

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