
#9 xmms freeze if mp3 are open from an explorer



my computer works with ubuntu 7.10 and xmms 1.2.10 with volume normalizer 0.8.3

the problem appears when xmms is already open
if i activate the normalizer plugin and if i want to open mp3 files DIRECTLY FROM AN EXPLORER by double-clicking on a file, xmms freeze and i'm obliged to kill his process

it doesn't happen each time i try to open a file but between 2 and 5 opening

when i go to the system monitor to kill the process, from the moment the problem has begun, there's two xmms process and if i try to open a mp3 from an explorer again a new xmms process appear and etc...

example : the first xmms process take 4,4 MB of memory the second one 756KB, the third one 756KB, the fourth one 756KB ...

i tried to wait each time 10 seconds before clicking on a new file to open it from an explorer but the problem still appear

i tried to uninstall/reinstall the normalizer plugin but it doesn't fix the bug

if i load the mp3 by the xmms shortcut the problem doesn't appear

if i load many mp3 in the xmms playlist and i double click several times on new tracks the problem doesn't appear

any idea ?


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