
VoDoo/Stream / News: Recent posts

VoDoo/Stream: Release 1.3

The Vodoo/Stream project let users to define transducers dedicated to document analysis. Such transducers describe how fragments are matched and transformed. Finally a document can be an XML fragment, a free text or something else depending on extensions

This intermediate version proposes an internal lifting dedicated to tokenizer providing transducer for lexeme stream generation and analysis

Posted by didier plaindoux 2008-10-15

Release v1.2

The Release v1.2 of Vodoo/Stream is available for download. This version was provided with an improved DTD to Schema/RelaxNG transducer and a Java extension to XML pattern matching. Finally the core has been improved and dramatically simplified allowing transducers for ad-hoc XML tree, DOM and plain text.

Posted by didier plaindoux 2007-11-19

Web updated

Web has been updated providing more explanations [still in construction]

Posted by didier plaindoux 2007-04-25

Release v1.1

Release v1.1 is ready for download.
This release provides:
. improved integration of BSF,
. extensions like groups and inclusion and.
. significant example like a DTD to XML schema tool.

Posted by didier plaindoux 2007-04-23

First Release

The first release of Vodoo/Stream is ready for download. Both source and binaries packages are available now.

Posted by didier plaindoux 2007-03-30