

John Malmberg Bill Pedersen Stuart Martin


This project is intended to both preserve existing open source code written for or ported to the OpenVMS operating system and to assist in the development of new packages.

Please join us in the forums via the Discussion icon above.

We held regular conference calls, once per month, on topics specific to Open Source porting, bugs found during ports (submit yours) and the implementation of more features in the OpenVMS Unix Portability Environment (GNV and the OpenVMS C Run-Time Library (CRTL) for over a decade. These were suspended in June 2022. It does not mean we have given up. Just needed to regroup and refresh. We would VERY MUCH like to see the community come together to focus on some important tools to make this process more effective and extensible.

Some folks have asked why we do this. Here is a bit of an overview.

Webinar available

The slides and audio recordings of two sessions of News from the Trenches - Open Source on OpenVMS: A Community Perspective are available for download. These webinars were presented with the help of HP OpenVMS Engineering on 13 November 2013 by Bill Pedersen.

Recent Port Announcements

For the latest download information please check out our discussion on recent ports. Downloads are also available from the "Files" link in the navigation bar above.


  • Mirror the source for all known OpenVMS open source projects that are not already in public repositories. A directory of packages is provided.

  • Provide a sandbox for porters to collaborate

  • Encourage making ports as complete as possible and in compliance with OpenVMS standards and conventions, using PCSI/VMSINSTAL kits, help files, proper operation on DCL and GNV as appropriate.

  • Show tricks on how to use Linux/OS-X/BSD/Cygwin and other platforms to assist in building projects until they can be converted to a totally OpenVMS hosted build environment.

  • Encourage participation with the upstream source maintainers to get the OpenVMS changes into the mainstream repository. To get OpenVMS releases of updates to be simultaneous with the other platforms. Encourage the adding of OpenVMS systems to build farms.


This is an all volunteer effort and the success will be determined by the number of participants.

It will probably take a bit of time to get the mirrors set up. The primary goal is to preserve the source code. However kits that contain source and binaries will probably be the best way to store packages that are not being worked on here.

Projects / Packages Repository Organization Introduction to the VMS Environment
Code Development VMS Hardware Installing VMS
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Project Admins:

The wiki uses Markdown syntax.


Wiki: AlphabeticalPackageList
Wiki: WhyOpenVMS?