
#66 Not responding to F10 (scancode 68)?

Zehui Zhao

First of all thank you for the great program!

I created a raw keyboard map on Windows, and everything is working fine except that VMPK seems to not recognize F10. I realize there are special keys on the keyboard such as Fn which do not send any input to the system on its own, but I think F10 is not one of them since a scancode finding software is able to detect F10 with the corresponding scancode (044 in hex and 68 in dec). I also tried 3 different keyboards I have and the result is the same, everything else works fine except F10, so I think it is not a keyboard-specific problem.

Is VMPK indeed treating F10 differently from the other keys? Or is it a problem specific to my setup?



  • Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas

    Is VMPK indeed treating F10 differently from the other keys? Or is it a problem specific to my setup?

    VMPK does not process F10 in any way. The only function key with a predefined use is F1 (for help) that you can redefine in the shortcut editor.

    I don't think it is a problem with your setup. It affects Windows, but not other OS. I am not sure yet if it is another MS annoyance, or a bug in Qt.

  • Zehui Zhao

    Zehui Zhao - 2024-07-29

    I see, since the problem is upstream, I'm guessing there isn't really anything one can do about it. I'll consider setting VMPK up on mac instead. For now I'll just bind the note to a different key. Thank you for the response and verifying the problem!

  • Zehui Zhao

    Zehui Zhao - 2024-08-04

    Thank you for looking into this problem and fixing it!


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