
modify naming of black notes

  • habilac

    habilac - 2011-11-13

    I would like to change the name of the black notes, from C# to K let's say, D# to L, etc. As well as replace Do#, Re#, Fa#, Sol#, La# with simple 2 letter syllables, consonant + vowel. I might also shorten Sol to So, and change Si to Ti.

    (this could perhaps be done by finding the names in the appropriate files, and replacing some letters with other letters or nothing)

    I already did this with my very first computer. This would make an excellent introduction.

  • Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas

    The note names are at the bottom of pianoscene.cpp, but you need to compile the sources after changing that file if you want the modification to take effect.

    There is an easier way. I guess from your question that you are using either French or Spanish language translations (you can change your current language translation in the help menu). If you donwload your source translation file, for instance vmpk_fr.ts for French, you can change the translations using the program Qt Linguist that comes with the Qt Framework, creating a new "vmpk_fr.qm" that you may copy over the old one in your program's directory.

  • habilac

    habilac - 2011-11-15

    I followed your instructions, and after the usual tribulations succeded in modifying 7 key names in vmpk_fr.ts within QtLinguist, converting to vmpk_fr_7noms.qm, and back to my own version of vmpk_fr.ts.

    Having discovered 2 errors in the original translation, source Ab translates to Lab in line 1083, source Bb translates to Sib in line 1088, I corrected these, converted to vmpk_fr_2err.qm, without the other 7 name changes, as a remplacement for the original vmpk_fr.qm.

    Took a snapshot of the keyboard with the new names, called _De_Ri__Fo_Sa_Li_.png, 40KB. As in Do De Re Ri Mi Fa Fo So Sa La Li Ti, each black key receiving the consonant from the note on the left, and the vowel from the note on the right.

    Opened a folder with editor privileges on called VMPK, and uploaded the 3 files for anyone interested, at this link:

    (I would like to do something similar with the english key names, but what single letters should best fill the gaps represented by the 'underline' in the following sequence: C _ D _ E F _ G _ A _ B? H I  J K L? Any suggestions?)

    (This would allow me to learn how to compile the sources, which I have done a few times but with much simpler languages.)

    I'm very pleased with this initial success. Thank you very much plcl.

  • habilac

    habilac - 2011-11-15

    Files 'vmpk_fr_2err.qm. and 'vmpk_fr_7noms.qm' have been added to the VMPK folder, which already contained the .ts versions, here:

    The new nomenclature allows the piano player to sing all of the 12 notes while doing exercises. And soon, while playing a tune by ear, or even improvising. It is a powerful new tool for learning.

    It should also be available using the English nomenclature, C D EF G A B. I don't use it, and don't have a feel for what the best letters should be, and their positions. Input welcome here. When a choice is made, I will attempt to "compile the sources".

  • habilac

    habilac - 2012-06-14

    I have now selected the 5 single letters to represent the following black keys: H for A#/Bb, I for C#/Db, J for D#/Eb, K for F#/Gb, L for G#/Ab, following the list of white note names beginning with A: AhBCiDjEFkGl. I opened Qt Creator and replaced the sharps and flats found at the bottom of pianoscene.cpp, which I saved as pianoscene_H2L.cpp for now.

    Your initial reply states that the sources must be compiled after a change is made to this cpp file. This function is grayed out in Qt Creator. I also assume more files are involved. I have never compiled in C++, so don't know how next to proceed.

    Can you inform me, or send me to a link which indicates how this could be done with the Qt SDK?

    This is for my personal use and experimentation, as I find sharps and flats complicate naming and add increasing overhead as you add black notes to the scales.

  • Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas

    To compile VMPK in QtCreator, don't open a single .cpp file; you need to open the project file instead: "". Please read and follow the QtCreator documentation.