
VMime / News: Recent posts

VMime 0.8.1 is out!

Hello Developers!

After more than one year without any release (but an active CVS), version 0.8.1 of VMime has been released!

This release consists in a lot of bug fixes and some optimization and refactoring.

Thank you to all testers and to those who sent patches!

Posted by Vincent Richard 2006-12-20

Announcing VMime 0.8.0!

VMime version 0.8.0 has been released today.
The main improvements are:

* Big refactoring to use smart pointers
* Added SASL support (using GNU SASL)
* Added TLS support (using GNU TLS)
* Enhanced asynchronous socket communication
* Attachment helper: easy access to attachments in messages
* Refactored header field values and parameters
* More than 60 pages of documentation in the VMime Book (Developer Guide) ... read more

Posted by Vincent Richard 2005-11-06

CVS set-up!

New CVS for VMime was set-up today.
Also moved TODO's from distribution's "TODO" file to SourceForge's Tasks/Feature Request system.

Posted by Vincent Richard 2004-10-05