I'm trying to make a message with html body, with a image inside it. First i'm generate the html file (with images) and then i put it inside the message.
But, when the message arrives, the html part is without any image.
How can i put images inside the html part?
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You have to create a content handler for image data (the following code has not been tested, but it should give you a hint):
// Connect an input stream to the image file
vmime::utility::fileSystemFactory* fs = vmime::platform::getHandler()->getFileSystemFactory();
textPart->setText(vmime::create<vmime::stringContentHandler>("This i s the <b> HTML text</b>, and the image:<br/>" "<img src=\"" + id + "\"/>"));
textPart->setPlainText(vmime::create<vmime::stringContentHandler>("This is the plain text."));
But the image dont appears inside html part and the attachment is incomplete (the image seems to be "broken". half image appears).
I think that it is a problem on the stream.. Anybody can help?
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Is the generated message incomplete? Or is it only the display of the image in your mail client which is incomplete?
I have tested your code with a 5 MB JPEG file and I had no problem generating message then decoding the attachment part. Please provide a working example for your problem.
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// -- embed an image (the returned "CID" (content identifier) is used to reference
// -- the image into HTML content).
vmime::string cid = textPart.addObject(imageCts,
vmime::mediaType(vmime::mediaTypes::IMAGE, vmime::mediaTypes::IMAGE_JPEG));
// -- message text
textPart.setText(vmime::create <vmime::stringContentHandler>
(vmime::string("This is the <b>HTML text</b>.<br/><img src=\"") + cid + vmime::string("\"/>")));
If I put the image like an atachment or inside the html part, only a part of image (the top) is displayed (on email client or on web browser)..
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If I use smtp server smtp.inf.ufsc.br, the image is incomplete, but if I use smtp server mail.telemedicina.ufsc.br, everything is ok.. This response is from smtp server smtp.inf.ufsc.br, and the message has an attachment (jpeg image).
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I need to see what is sent starting from the "DATA" command, and obviously the server response (please clean up the log to not include the whole attachment).
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The problem is: the server uses TLS, then the information is encrypted.. The only one that don't do it is mail.telemedicina.ufsc.br (but with this one, everything is ok). Maybe the problem is with the TLS ?
Anyway, this is the response from server on DATA command using mail.telemedicina.ufsc.br:
Try to catch "vmime::exception::invalid_response" and "vmime::exception::command_error" exceptions and see what you get when you call reponse() on it, this may give more details.
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
Finally, I have found what caused the problem. It seems that the Google SMTP server has some problems with very large chunks when sending data (SMTP command "DATA"), ie. over 16 KB. I have committed a temporary fix to the CVS, I will make a better fix in the next days.
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You wrote:
"Finally, I have found what caused the problem. It seems that the Google SMTP server has some problems with very large chunks when sending data (SMTP command "DATA"), ie. over 16 KB. I have committed a temporary fix to the CVS, I will make a better fix in the next days."
I also have the same problem and also discovered that it only happens when sending a message using smtp.gmail.com
I am using version 0.9 on this moment - does version 0.91 still have this issue or is it fixed?
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I'm trying to make a message with html body, with a image inside it. First i'm generate the html file (with images) and then i put it inside the message.
But, when the message arrives, the html part is without any image.
How can i put images inside the html part?
Have a look at 'example3', it does exactly what you want.
But on line
vmime::string cid = textPart.addObject("<...IMAGE DATA...>", vmime::mediaType(vmime::mediaTypes::IMAGE, vmime::mediaTypes::IMAGE_JPEG));
i put what on <...IMAGE DATA...> ? The path to the image?
You have to create a content handler for image data (the following code has not been tested, but it should give you a hint):
// Connect an input stream to the image file
vmime::utility::fileSystemFactory* fs = vmime::platform::getHandler()->getFileSystemFactory();
vmime::ref <vmime::utility::file> imageFile = fs->create(fs->stringToPath("/path/to/image.jpg"));
vmime::ref <vmime::utility::fileReader> fileReader = imageFile->getFileReader();
vmime::ref <vmime::contentHandler> imageCts = vmime::create <vmime::streamContentHandler>(fileReader->getInputStream(), imageFile->getLength());
// ...and finally add the embedded object
vmime::string cid = textPart.addObject(imageCts, vmime::mediaType(vmime::mediaTypes::IMAGE, vmime::mediaTypes::IMAGE_JPEG));
Im using this code to create an attachment from a file and put a image inside a html part:
(vmime::mediaTypes::TEXT, vmime::mediaTypes::TEXT_HTML));
vmime::ref<vmime::htmlTextPart> textPart = mb.getTextPart().dynamicCast<vmime::htmlTextPart>();
std::ifstream* fileStream = new std::ifstream();
fileStream->open("/path/to/file.jpg", std::ios::binary);
vmime::ref<utility::inputStream> dataStream = vmime::create<vmime::utility::inputStreamPointerAdapter>(fileStream);
vmime::ref<contentHandler> data = vmime::create<vmime::streamContentHandler>(dataStream, 0);
// Now create the attachment
ref<vmime::attachment>att = vmime::create<vmime::defaultAttachment>(data, vmime::mediaType("image/jpeg"), vmime::text("Holiday photo"), vmime::word("paris.jpg"));
//vmime::ref <vmime::contentHandler> imageCts = vmime::create <vmime::streamContentHandler>(data, imageFile->getLength());
vmime::string id = textPart->addObject(data, vmime::mediaType(vmime::mediaTypes::IMAGE, vmime::mediaTypes::IMAGE_JPEG));
textPart->setText(vmime::create<vmime::stringContentHandler>("This i s the <b> HTML text</b>, and the image:<br/>" "<img src=\"" + id + "\"/>"));
textPart->setPlainText(vmime::create<vmime::stringContentHandler>("This is the plain text."));
But the image dont appears inside html part and the attachment is incomplete (the image seems to be "broken". half image appears).
I think that it is a problem on the stream.. Anybody can help?
Is the generated message incomplete? Or is it only the display of the image in your mail client which is incomplete?
I have tested your code with a 5 MB JPEG file and I had no problem generating message then decoding the attachment part. Please provide a working example for your problem.
Hi Vicent,
The display of image is incomplete.
I've adjusted the code:
(vmime::mediaTypes::TEXT, vmime::mediaTypes::TEXT_HTML));
vmime::htmlTextPart& textPart = *mb.getTextPart().dynamicCast <vmime::htmlTextPart>();
// Connect an input stream to the image file
vmime::utility::fileSystemFactory* fs = vmime::platformDependant::getHandler()->getFileSystemFactory();
vmime::ref <vmime::utility::file> imageFile = fs->create(fs->stringToPath("/home/cyclops/sabrina/25-08-06_1140.jpg"));
vmime::ref <vmime::utility::fileReader> fileReader = imageFile->getFileReader();
vmime::ref <vmime::contentHandler> imageCts = vmime::create <vmime::streamContentHandler>(fileReader->getInputStream(), imageFile->getLength());
// -- embed an image (the returned "CID" (content identifier) is used to reference
// -- the image into HTML content).
vmime::string cid = textPart.addObject(imageCts,
vmime::mediaType(vmime::mediaTypes::IMAGE, vmime::mediaTypes::IMAGE_JPEG));
// -- message text
textPart.setText(vmime::create <vmime::stringContentHandler>
(vmime::string("This is the <b>HTML text</b>.<br/><img src=\"") + cid + vmime::string("\"/>")));
If I put the image like an atachment or inside the html part, only a part of image (the top) is displayed (on email client or on web browser)..
I exchanged the image and now its working.
And I have no idea why..
thanks for you attention
Oh, now I see.
The images were too small (150 x 82), then they worked.
With a larger resolution (664 x 364), throws a exception:
std::exception: Error while executing command 'DATA'.
OK. Could you try to get the exact server response?
I need it if I want to fix the bug (if there is one)...
Hi Vincent,
Here is the server response:
OK,timestamp 5031388 0,nop,wscale 2>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 003c e0cb 4000 4006 26a3 96a2 ca03 96a2 .<..@.@.&.......
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 2517 0000 0000 a002 <..)....%.......
0x0030: 16d0 7357 0000 0204 05b4 0402 080a 004c ..sW...........L
0x0040: c5dc 0000 0000 0103 0302 ..........
18:28:38.863159 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: . ack 3877644359 win 1460 <nop,nop,timestamp 5031388 53695288>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 0034 e0cc 4000 4006 26aa 96a2 ca03 96a2 .4..@.@.&.......
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 2518 e720 2847 8010 <..)....%...(G..
0x0030: 05b4 4d57 0000 0101 080a 004c c5dc 0333 ..MW.......L...3
0x0040: 5338 S8
18:28:38.865520 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: . ack 87 win 1460 <nop,nop,timestamp 5031389 53695288>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 0034 e0cd 4000 4006 26a9 96a2 ca03 96a2 .4..@.@.&.......
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 2518 e720 289d 8010 <..)....%...(...
0x0030: 05b4 4d00 0000 0101 080a 004c c5dd 0333 ..M........L...3
0x0040: 5338 S8
18:28:38.868502 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: P 0:32(32) ack 87 win 1460 <nop,nop,timestamp 5031390 53695288>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 0054 e0ce 4000 4006 2688 96a2 ca03 96a2 .T..@.@.&.......
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 2518 e720 289d 8018 <..)....%...(...
0x0030: 05b4 93e5 0000 0101 080a 004c c5de 0333 ...........L...3
0x0040: 5338 4548 4c4f 2063 616e 656c 612e 7465 S8EHLO.canela.te
0x0050: 6c65 6d65 6469 6369 6e61 2e75 6673 632e lemedicina.ufsc.
18:28:38.962161 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: P 32:34(2) ack 87 win 1460 <nop,nop,timestamp 5031413 53695298>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 0036 e0cf 4000 4006 26a5 96a2 ca03 96a2 .6..@.@.&.......
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 2538 e720 289d 8018 <..)....%8..(...
0x0030: 05b4 3faa 0000 0101 080a 004c c5f5 0333 ..?........L...3
0x0040: 5342 0d0a SB..
18:28:38.964102 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: P 34:42(8) ack 217 win 1728 <nop,nop,timestamp 5031414 53695298>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 003c e0d0 4000 4006 269e 96a2 ca03 96a2 .<..@.@.&.......
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 253a e720 291f 8018 <..)....%:..)...
0x0030: 06c0 15cf 0000 0101 080a 004c c5f6 0333 ...........L...3
0x0040: 5342 5354 4152 5454 4c53 SBSTARTTLS
18:28:39.062125 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: P 42:44(2) ack 217 win 1728 <nop,nop,timestamp 5031438 53695308>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 0036 e0d1 4000 4006 26a3 96a2 ca03 96a2 .6..@.@.&.......
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 2542 e720 291f 8018 <..)....%B..)...
0x0030: 06c0 3def 0000 0101 080a 004c c60e 0333 ..=........L...3
0x0040: 534c 0d0a SL..
18:28:39.069587 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: P 44:127(83) ack 247 win 1728 <nop,nop,timestamp 5031440 53695308>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 0087 e0d2 4000 4006 2651 96a2 ca03 96a2 ....@.@.&Q......
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 2544 e720 293d 8018 <..)....%D..)=..
0x0030: 06c0 e191 0000 0101 080a 004c c610 0333 ...........L...3
0x0040: 534c 1603 0100 4e01 0000 4a03 0145 58d5 SL....N...J..EX.
0x0050: 77cf 60a1 d8ee b9ff 10b0 bdfb 7318 94a4 w.`.........s...
18:28:39.071847 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: . ack 1927 win 3176 <nop,nop,timestamp 5031441 53695308>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 0034 e0d3 4000 4006 26a3 96a2 ca03 96a2 .4..@.@.&.......
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 2597 e720 2fcd 8010 <..)....%.../...
0x0030: 0c68 3e55 0000 0101 080a 004c c611 0333 .h>U.......L...3
0x0040: 534c SL
18:28:39.078553 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: P 127:266(139) ack 1927 win 3176 <nop,nop,timestamp 5031442 53695308>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 00bf e0d4 4000 4006 2617 96a2 ca03 96a2 ....@.@.&.......
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 2597 e720 2fcd 8018 <..)....%.../...
0x0030: 0c68 9e6c 0000 0101 080a 004c c612 0333 .h.l.......L...3
0x0040: 534c 1603 0100 8610 0000 8200 80ae 49f6 SL............I.
0x0050: 375c e4e2 2e62 9555 fe04 5a88 4ef2 c964 7\...b.U..Z.N..d
18:28:39.172247 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: P 266:313(47) ack 1927 win 3176 <nop,nop,timestamp 5031466 53695319>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 0063 e0d5 4000 4006 2672 96a2 ca03 96a2 .c..@.@.&r......
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 2622 e720 2fcd 8018 <..)....&"../...
0x0030: 0c68 eef8 0000 0101 080a 004c c62a 0333 .h.........L.*.3
0x0040: 5357 1403 0100 0101 1603 0100 2453 10d6 SW..........$S..
0x0050: ea60 32ae a52a 4f11 839a 8688 0302 891e .`2..*O.........
18:28:39.211856 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: . ack 1974 win 3176 <nop,nop,timestamp 5031476 53695319>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 0034 e0d6 4000 4006 26a0 96a2 ca03 96a2 .4..@.@.&.......
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 2651 e720 2ffc 8010 <..)....&Q../...
0x0030: 0c68 3d3e 0000 0101 080a 004c c634 0333 .h=>.......L.4.3
0x0040: 5357 SW
18:28:40.959456 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: P 313:370(57) ack 1974 win 3176 <nop,nop,timestamp 5031912 53695319>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 006d e0d7 4000 4006 2666 96a2 ca03 96a2 .m..@.@.&f......
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 2651 e720 2ffc 8018 <..)....&Q../...
0x0030: 0c68 726c 0000 0101 080a 004c c7e8 0333 .hrl.......L...3
0x0040: 5357 1703 0100 3440 8988 8c4a 36fc 80da SW....4@...J6...
0x0050: 9bd7 8346 1f64 af91 aaa6 0033 955d b4fc ...F.d.....3.]..
18:28:41.052293 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: P 370:397(27) ack 1974 win 3176 <nop,nop,timestamp 5031936 53695507>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 004f e0d8 4000 4006 2683 96a2 ca03 96a2 .O..@.@.&.......
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 268a e720 2ffc 8018 <..)....&.../...
0x0030: 0c68 c496 0000 0101 080a 004c c800 0333 .h.........L...3
0x0040: 5413 1703 0100 1610 c3c2 91fd 7256 b66b T...........rV.k
0x0050: 708d 0970 ead0 878c 7aa6 3c2c 26 p..p....z.<,&
18:28:41.053268 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: . ack 2159 win 3900 <nop,nop,timestamp 5031936 53695507>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 0034 e0d9 4000 4006 269d 96a2 ca03 96a2 .4..@.@.&.......
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 26a5 e720 30b5 8010 <..)....&...0...
0x0030: 0f3c 36d5 0000 0101 080a 004c c800 0333 .<6........L...3
0x0040: 5413 T.
18:28:41.056867 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: P 397:432(35) ack 2159 win 3900 <nop,nop,timestamp 5031937 53695507>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 0057 e0da 4000 4006 2679 96a2 ca03 96a2 .W..@.@.&y......
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 26a5 e720 30b5 8018 <..)....&...0...
0x0030: 0f3c 0ce4 0000 0101 080a 004c c801 0333 .<.........L...3
0x0040: 5413 1703 0100 1e8e 96cf 42b6 6e7c f36e T.........B.n|.n
0x0050: 370c c19f a2d9 c456 f801 2d1a d25d 600d 7......V..-..]`.
18:28:41.152285 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: P 432:459(27) ack 2159 win 3900 <nop,nop,timestamp 5031961 53695517>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 004f e0db 4000 4006 2680 96a2 ca03 96a2 .O..@.@.&.......
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 26c8 e720 30b5 8018 <..)....&...0...
0x0030: 0f3c 77bc 0000 0101 080a 004c c819 0333 .<w........L...3
0x0040: 541d 1703 0100 160f e48f 8c96 7ff4 4649 T.............FI
0x0050: 9044 e2d2 ff18 6e71 3df2 5da4 dd .D....nq=.]..
18:28:41.161113 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: P 459:492(33) ack 2202 win 3900 <nop,nop,timestamp 5031963 53695517>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 0055 e0dc 4000 4006 2679 96a2 ca03 96a2 .U..@.@.&y......
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 26e3 e720 30e0 8018 <..)....&...0...
0x0030: 0f3c 508d 0000 0101 080a 004c c81b 0333 .<P........L...3
0x0040: 541d 1703 0100 1c2e 90f8 8735 b268 579d T..........5.hW.
0x0050: de39 e21e abfd bbd9 2df4 8845 e83a cd1b .9......-..E.:..
18:28:41.252257 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: P 492:519(27) ack 2202 win 3900 <nop,nop,timestamp 5031986 53695527>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 004f e0dd 4000 4006 267e 96a2 ca03 96a2 .O..@.@.&~......
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 2704 e720 30e0 8018 <..)....'...0...
0x0030: 0f3c 3ac1 0000 0101 080a 004c c832 0333 .<:........L.2.3
0x0040: 5427 1703 0100 1624 6a6d af99 f108 10d7 T'.....$jm......
0x0050: 2d04 6b66 63f9 1c47 4662 1c05 36 -.kfc..GFb..6
18:28:41.257670 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: P 519:556(37) ack 2245 win 3900 <nop,nop,timestamp 5031987 53695527>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 0059 e0de 4000 4006 2673 96a2 ca03 96a2 .Y..@.@.&s......
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 271f e720 310b 8018 <..)....'...1...
0x0030: 0f3c ca94 0000 0101 080a 004c c833 0333 .<.........L.3.3
0x0040: 5427 1703 0100 20c5 ce31 a034 47b5 1b8f T'.......1.4G...
0x0050: bf08 a58a 3e4a 7f21 622b 9a8f 99e0 f61d ....>J.!b+......
18:28:41.352265 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: P 556:583(27) ack 2245 win 3900 <nop,nop,timestamp 5032011 53695537>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 004f e0df 4000 4006 267c 96a2 ca03 96a2 .O..@.@.&|......
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 2744 e720 310b 8018 <..)....'D..1...
0x0030: 0f3c b6c9 0000 0101 080a 004c c84b 0333 .<.........L.K.3
0x0040: 5431 1703 0100 1615 6206 5a90 c0c0 8606 T1......b.Z.....
0x0050: ee91 8abb a0e9 7147 b61f 4375 c8 ......qG..Cu.
18:28:41.379178 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: P 583:637(54) ack 2307 win 3900 <nop,nop,timestamp 5032017 53695539>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 006a e0e0 4000 4006 2660 96a2 ca03 96a2 .j..@.@.&`......
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 275f e720 3149 8018 <..)....'_..1I..
0x0030: 0f3c 9e71 0000 0101 080a 004c c851 0333 .<.q.......L.Q.3
0x0040: 5433 1703 0100 319f cab3 f1e5 bfd1 de92 T3....1.........
0x0050: c909 b52a 23af aa5a 4bc9 963d cdbc 6d1c ...*#..ZK..=..m.
18:28:41.472244 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: P 637:664(27) ack 2307 win 3900 <nop,nop,timestamp 5032041 53695549>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 004f e0e1 4000 4006 267a 96a2 ca03 96a2 .O..@.@.&z......
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 2795 e720 3149 8018 <..)....'...1I..
0x0030: 0f3c 9422 0000 0101 080a 004c c869 0333 .<.".......L.i.3
0x0040: 543d 1703 0100 16da 7c61 6c8c ee96 0241 T=......|al....A
0x0050: ca9c 4dcf 4304 a68b f5af c028 e0 ..M.C......(.
18:28:41.480552 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: P 664:716(52) ack 2346 win 3900 <nop,nop,timestamp 5032043 53695549>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 0068 e0e2 4000 4006 2660 96a2 ca03 96a2 .h..@.@.&`......
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 27b0 e720 3170 8018 <..)....'...1p..
0x0030: 0f3c 345c 0000 0101 080a 004c c86b 0333 .<4\.......L.k.3
0x0040: 543d 1703 0100 2f27 33af 2aac 0038 acd5 T=..../'3.*..8..
0x0050: ca7d 0161 f89f 8bd2 6874 3dbf fc3f d4b1 .}.a....ht=..?..
18:28:41.572298 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: P 716:743(27) ack 2346 win 3900 <nop,nop,timestamp 5032066 53695559>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 004f e0e3 4000 4006 2678 96a2 ca03 96a2 .O..@.@.&x......
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 27e4 e720 3170 8018 <..)....'...1p..
0x0030: 0f3c c8dc 0000 0101 080a 004c c882 0333 .<.........L...3
0x0040: 5447 1703 0100 1638 b35f 6cd7 df97 4576 TG.....8._l...Ev
0x0050: d9c1 2d6e 4411 0810 aaa7 1fab da ..-nD........
18:28:41.576606 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: P 743:772(29) ack 2385 win 3900 <nop,nop,timestamp 5032067 53695559>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 0051 e0e4 4000 4006 2675 96a2 ca03 96a2 .Q..@.@.&u......
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 27ff e720 3197 8018 <..)....'...1...
0x0030: 0f3c bf52 0000 0101 080a 004c c883 0333 .<.R.......L...3
0x0040: 5447 1703 0100 182c 83fc 4a38 1217 84e9 TG.....,..J8....
0x0050: eee0 3adf 4ba4 ca92 e691 b463 3918 cb ..:.K......c9..
18:28:41.672278 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: P 772:799(27) ack 2385 win 3900 <nop,nop,timestamp 5032091 53695569>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 004f e0e5 4000 4006 2676 96a2 ca03 96a2 .O..@.@.&v......
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 281c e720 3197 8018 <..)....(...1...
0x0030: 0f3c ccbf 0000 0101 080a 004c c89b 0333 .<.........L...3
0x0040: 5451 1703 0100 168e de8d 2216 ec94 8ecd TQ........".....
0x0050: 0314 2182 b784 b6f0 31f1 f52b 02 ..!.....1..+.
18:28:41.674281 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: . 799:2247(1448) ack 2447 win 3900 <nop,nop,timestamp 5032091 53695569>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 05dc e0e6 4000 4006 20e8 96a2 ca03 96a2 ....@.@.........
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 2837 e720 31d5 8010 <..)....(7..1...
0x0030: 0f3c 86a2 0000 0101 080a 004c c89b 0333 .<.........L...3
0x0040: 5451 1703 0140 1440 4658 70ba 9e97 258e TQ...@.@FXp...%.
0x0050: 73cd 88be 9a8f 81fa 0810 d092 f114 7f5d s..............]
18:28:41.674300 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: . 2247:3695(1448) ack 2447 win 3900 <nop,nop,timestamp 5032091 53695569>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 05dc e0e7 4000 4006 20e7 96a2 ca03 96a2 ....@.@.........
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 2ddf e720 31d5 8010 <..)....-...1...
0x0030: 0f3c 11db 0000 0101 080a 004c c89b 0333 .<.........L...3
0x0040: 5451 a3eb 3648 0189 70c3 8b3f d9ad 22c9 TQ..6H..p..?..".
0x0050: 1ae2 197e 944e 3e0c e945 98e9 9097 8fac ...~.N>..E......
18:28:41.674311 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: . 3695:5143(1448) ack 2447 win 3900 <nop,nop,timestamp 5032091 53695569>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 05dc e0e8 4000 4006 20e6 96a2 ca03 96a2 ....@.@.........
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 3387 e720 31d5 8010 <..)....3...1...
0x0030: 0f3c a497 0000 0101 080a 004c c89b 0333 .<.........L...3
0x0040: 5451 cf5d fd0b 3249 9f04 4212 8ee2 68ec TQ.]..2I..B...h.
0x0050: 72a4 fe4d 52bd 3c7f 7181 d2b5 ee1d 62b4 r..MR.<.q.....b.
18:28:41.675468 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: . 5143:6591(1448) ack 2447 win 3900 <nop,nop,timestamp 5032091 53695569>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 05dc e0e9 4000 4006 20e5 96a2 ca03 96a2 ....@.@.........
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 392f e720 31d5 8010 <..)....9/..1...
0x0030: 0f3c af1d 0000 0101 080a 004c c89b 0333 .<.........L...3
0x0040: 5451 50cb 696e cd10 5a73 e9ee 5273 7cff TQP.in..Zs..Rs|.
0x0050: d56e ea8a fc3d 5125 d5b7 54a0 422f 1c5e .n...=Q%..T.B/.^
18:28:41.675478 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: . 6591:8039(1448) ack 2447 win 3900 <nop,nop,timestamp 5032091 53695569>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 05dc e0ea 4000 4006 20e4 96a2 ca03 96a2 ....@.@.........
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 3ed7 e720 31d5 8010 <..)....>...1...
0x0030: 0f3c 30cf 0000 0101 080a 004c c89b 0333 .<0........L...3
0x0040: 5451 cff6 65b9 e6e9 9a5d 15db 30b6 1427 TQ..e....]..0..'
0x0050: c358 9b0b 10ac f562 36ab 4327 711a cc06 .X.....b6.C'q...
18:28:41.675483 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: . 8039:9487(1448) ack 2447 win 3900 <nop,nop,timestamp 5032091 53695569>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 05dc e0eb 4000 4006 20e3 96a2 ca03 96a2 ....@.@.........
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 447f e720 31d5 8010 <..)....D...1...
0x0030: 0f3c 0b4e 0000 0101 080a 004c c89b 0333 .<.N.......L...3
0x0040: 5451 ee94 1f44 42b6 07a8 7297 38bf 9d7a TQ...DB...r.8..z
0x0050: 7c0c 61b9 4a5a 50c5 73a2 915f bf99 d5d0 |.a.JZP.s.._....
18:28:41.675594 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: . 9487:10935(1448) ack 2447 win 3900 <nop,nop,timestamp 5032091 53695569>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 05dc e0ec 4000 4006 20e2 96a2 ca03 96a2 ....@.@.........
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 4a27 e720 31d5 8010 <..)....J'..1...
0x0030: 0f3c 42c8 0000 0101 080a 004c c89b 0333 .<B........L...3
0x0040: 5451 9cb7 297a d66e e21c 443b b7bd 93d5 TQ..)z.n..D;....
0x0050: 54d5 2281 c56b ffcd 2f40 fe71 7f04 3feb T."..k../@.q..?.
18:28:41.675600 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: P 10935:12383(1448) ack 2447 win 3900 <nop,nop,timestamp 5032091 53695569>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 05dc e0ed 4000 4006 20e1 96a2 ca03 96a2 ....@.@.........
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 4fcf e720 31d5 8018 <..)....O...1...
0x0030: 0f3c 961c 0000 0101 080a 004c c89b 0333 .<.........L...3
0x0040: 5451 627d 5ba9 f983 8709 17dc 797a 3f65 TQb}[.......yz?e
0x0050: 2359 055e f11f 41f2 33d6 b6eb c10a 2ef9 #Y.^..A.3.......
18:28:41.680091 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: . 12383:13831(1448) ack 2447 win 3900 <nop,nop,timestamp 5032093 53695569>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 05dc e0ee 4000 4006 20e0 96a2 ca03 96a2 ....@.@.........
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 5577 e720 31d5 8010 <..)....Uw..1...
0x0030: 0f3c 733c 0000 0101 080a 004c c89d 0333 .<s<.......L...3
0x0040: 5451 2318 b7bf 127c c4c3 7df1 faeb fc0f TQ#....|..}.....
0x0050: 8baa 02ed 378c 6da7 ce9e 1bab b770 5597 ....7.m......pU.
18:28:41.680105 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: . 13831:15279(1448) ack 2447 win 3900 <nop,nop,timestamp 5032093 53695569>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 05dc e0ef 4000 4006 20df 96a2 ca03 96a2 ....@.@.........
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 5b1f e720 31d5 8010 <..)....[...1...
0x0030: 0f3c 9ef0 0000 0101 080a 004c c89d 0333 .<.........L...3
0x0040: 5451 16a5 2c24 ce56 84dd 4da1 cfdd 2c9d TQ..,$.V..M...,.
0x0050: 0531 d4c6 907a b1ba 5247 94f4 837c 4554 .1...z..RG...|ET
18:28:41.680117 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: . 15279:16727(1448) ack 2447 win 3900 <nop,nop,timestamp 5032093 53695569>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 05dc e0f0 4000 4006 20de 96a2 ca03 96a2 ....@.@.........
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 60c7 e720 31d5 8010 <..)....`...1...
0x0030: 0f3c 8007 0000 0101 080a 004c c89d 0333 .<.........L...3
0x0040: 5451 0f0e bd91 276d deb9 e9b3 07da c6b9 TQ....'m........
0x0050: 0012 28b3 a35e de94 fa90 a020 8b21 41f7 ..(..^.......!A.
18:28:41.680125 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: P 16727:17208(481) ack 2447 win 3900 <nop,nop,timestamp 5032093 53695569>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 0215 e0f1 4000 4006 24a4 96a2 ca03 96a2 ....@.@.$.......
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 666f e720 31d5 8018 <..)....fo..1...
0x0030: 0f3c b4d3 0000 0101 080a 004c c89d 0333 .<.........L...3
0x0040: 5451 0b31 6047 702f b35f 78a8 401f 3c11 TQ.1`Gp/._x.@.<.
0x0050: fbe5 b592 4877 fffe 11bf d5bb fdde 9951 ....Hw.........Q
18:28:41.681318 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: P 17208:17238(30) ack 2447 win 3900 <nop,nop,timestamp 5032093 53695569>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 0052 e0f2 4000 4006 2666 96a2 ca03 96a2 .R..@.@.&f......
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 6850 e720 31d5 8018 <..)....hP..1...
0x0030: 0f3c 0c42 0000 0101 080a 004c c89d 0333 .<.B.......L...3
0x0040: 5451 1703 0100 1953 ddd1 fdc2 da31 257c TQ.....S.....1%|
0x0050: f991 bb5f bdb4 68cf 01e8 5380 8212 273d ..._..h...S...'=
18:28:41.705028 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: P 17238:17267(29) ack 2508 win 3900 <nop,nop,timestamp 5032099 53695571>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 0051 e0f3 4000 4006 2666 96a2 ca03 96a2 .Q..@.@.&f......
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 686e e720 3212 8018 <..)....hn..2...
0x0030: 0f3c 695d 0000 0101 080a 004c c8a3 0333 .<i].......L...3
0x0040: 5453 1703 0100 18a8 c761 a2c8 df32 dbe4 TS.......a...2..
0x0050: 245a c16d 60cf 844f a889 ab5c 598e bb $Z.m`..O...\Y..
18:28:41.705238 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: FP 17267:17321(54) ack 2508 win 3900 <nop,nop,timestamp 5032099 53695571>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 006a e0f4 4000 4006 264c 96a2 ca03 96a2 .j..@.@.&L......
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 688b e720 3212 8019 <..)....h...2...
0x0030: 0f3c 06b4 0000 0101 080a 004c c8a3 0333 .<.........L...3
0x0040: 5453 1703 0100 165e 46a9 42f7 9950 4f34 TS.....^F.B..PO4
0x0050: 715f b492 8da5 cba9 776a e9a5 9515 0301 q_......wj......
18:28:41.705987 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: R 68053186:68053186(0) win 0
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 0028 0000 4000 4006 0783 96a2 ca03 96a2 .(..@.@.........
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 68c2 0000 0000 5004 <..)....h.....P.
0x0030: 0000 7480 0000 ..t...
OK,timestamp 5031388 0,nop,wscale 2>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 003c e0cb 4000 4006 26a3 96a2 ca03 96a2 .<..@.@.&.......
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 2517 0000 0000 a002 <..)....%.......
0x0030: 16d0 7357 0000 0204 05b4 0402 080a 004c ..sW...........L
0x0040: c5dc 0000 0000 0103 0302 ..........
18:28:38.863159 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: . ack 3877644359 win 1460 <nop,nop,timestamp 5031388 53695288>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 0034 e0cc 4000 4006 26aa 96a2 ca03 96a2 .4..@.@.&.......
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 2518 e720 2847 8010 <..)....%...(G..
0x0030: 05b4 4d57 0000 0101 080a 004c c5dc 0333 ..MW.......L...3
0x0040: 5338 S8
18:28:38.865520 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: . ack 87 win 1460 <nop,nop,timestamp 5031389 53695288>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 0034 e0cd 4000 4006 26a9 96a2 ca03 96a2 .4..@.@.&.......
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 2518 e720 289d 8010 <..)....%...(...
0x0030: 05b4 4d00 0000 0101 080a 004c c5dd 0333 ..M........L...3
0x0040: 5338 S8
18:28:38.868502 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: P 0:32(32) ack 87 win 1460 <nop,nop,timestamp 5031390 53695288>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 0054 e0ce 4000 4006 2688 96a2 ca03 96a2 .T..@.@.&.......
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 2518 e720 289d 8018 <..)....%...(...
0x0030: 05b4 93e5 0000 0101 080a 004c c5de 0333 ...........L...3
0x0040: 5338 4548 4c4f 2063 616e 656c 612e 7465 S8EHLO.canela.te
0x0050: 6c65 6d65 6469 6369 6e61 2e75 6673 632e lemedicina.ufsc.
18:28:38.962161 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: P 32:34(2) ack 87 win 1460 <nop,nop,timestamp 5031413 53695298>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 0036 e0cf 4000 4006 26a5 96a2 ca03 96a2 .6..@.@.&.......
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 2538 e720 289d 8018 <..)....%8..(...
0x0030: 05b4 3faa 0000 0101 080a 004c c5f5 0333 ..?........L...3
0x0040: 5342 0d0a SB..
18:28:38.964102 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: P 34:42(8) ack 217 win 1728 <nop,nop,timestamp 5031414 53695298>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 003c e0d0 4000 4006 269e 96a2 ca03 96a2 .<..@.@.&.......
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 253a e720 291f 8018 <..)....%:..)...
0x0030: 06c0 15cf 0000 0101 080a 004c c5f6 0333 ...........L...3
0x0040: 5342 5354 4152 5454 4c53 SBSTARTTLS
18:28:39.062125 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: P 42:44(2) ack 217 win 1728 <nop,nop,timestamp 5031438 53695308>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 0036 e0d1 4000 4006 26a3 96a2 ca03 96a2 .6..@.@.&.......
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 2542 e720 291f 8018 <..)....%B..)...
0x0030: 06c0 3def 0000 0101 080a 004c c60e 0333 ..=........L...3
0x0040: 534c 0d0a SL..
18:28:39.069587 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.39721 > ceres.inf.ufsc.br.smtp: P 44:127(83) ack 247 win 1728 <nop,nop,timestamp 5031440 53695308>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 0087 e0d2 4000 4006 2651 96a2 ca03 96a2 ....@.@.&Q......
0x0020: 3c05 9b29 0019 040e 2544 e720 293d 8018 <..)....%D..)=..
0x0030: 06c0 e191 0000 0101 080a 004c c610 0333 ...........L...3
0x0040: 534c 1603 0100 4e01 0000 4a03 0145 58d5 SL....N...J..EX.
If I use smtp server smtp.inf.ufsc.br, the image is incomplete, but if I use smtp server mail.telemedicina.ufsc.br, everything is ok.. This response is from smtp server smtp.inf.ufsc.br, and the message has an attachment (jpeg image).
It seems the most important part is missing! ;-)
I need to see what is sent starting from the "DATA" command, and obviously the server response (please clean up the log to not include the whole attachment).
The problem is: the server uses TLS, then the information is encrypted.. The only one that don't do it is mail.telemedicina.ufsc.br (but with this one, everything is ok). Maybe the problem is with the TLS ?
Anyway, this is the response from server on DATA command using mail.telemedicina.ufsc.br:
16:18:26.742490 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.41344 > server.telemedicina.ufsc.br.smtp: P 114:118(4) ack 198 win 1460 <nop,nop,timestamp 767489 1913246051>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 0038 355d 4000 4006 cb15 96a2 ca03 96a2 .85]@.@.........
0x0020: 4305 a180 0019 16fe 80dc 5c07 7653 8018 C.........\.vS..
0x0030: 05b4 98e4 0000 0101 080a 000b b601 7209 ..............r.
0x0040: d163 4441 5441 .cDATA
16:18:26.843104 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.41344 > server.telemedicina.ufsc.br.smtp: P 118:120(2) ack 198 win 1460 <nop,nop,timestamp 767514 1913246164>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 0036 355e 4000 4006 cb16 96a2 ca03 96a2 .65^@.@.........
0x0020: 4305 a180 0019 16fe 80e0 5c07 7653 8018 C.........\.vS..
0x0030: 05b4 23d1 0000 0101 080a 000b b61a 7209 ..#...........r.
0x0040: d1d4 0d0a ....
16:18:26.845923 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.41344 > server.telemedicina.ufsc.br.smtp: . 120:1568(1448) ack 235 win 1460 <nop,nop,timestamp 767515 1913246165>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 05dc 355f 4000 4006 c56f 96a2 ca03 96a2 ..5_@.@..o......
0x0020: 4305 a180 0019 16fe 80e2 5c07 7678 8010 C.........\.vx..
0x0030: 05b4 e7b7 0000 0101 080a 000b b61b 7209 ..............r.
0x0040: d1d5 5375 626a 6563 743a 204d 7920 6669 ..Subject:.My.fi
0x0050: 7273 7420 6d65 7373 6167 6520 6765 6e65 rst.message.gene
//attachment information
16:18:26.912881 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.41344 > server.telemedicina.ufsc.br.smtp: P 31765:31769(4) ack 271 win 1460 <nop,nop,timestamp 767532 1913246232>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 0038 3575 4000 4006 cafd 96a2 ca03 96a2 .85u@.@.........
0x0020: 4305 a180 0019 16fe fc7f 5c07 769c 8018 C.........\.v...
0x0030: 05b4 19f1 0000 0101 080a 000b b62c 7209 .............,r.
0x0040: d218 5155 4954 ..QUIT
16:18:26.912927 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.41344 > server.telemedicina.ufsc.br.smtp: FP 31769:31771(2) ack 271 win 1460 <nop,nop,timestamp 767532 1913246232>
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 0036 3576 4000 4006 cafe 96a2 ca03 96a2 .65v@.@.........
0x0020: 4305 a180 0019 16fe fc83 5c07 769c 8019 C.........\.v...
0x0030: 05b4 a78d 0000 0101 080a 000b b62c 7209 .............,r.
0x0040: d218 0d0a ....
16:18:26.923874 IP canela.telemedicina.ufsc.br.41344 > server.telemedicina.ufsc.br.smtp: R 385809542:385809542(0) win 0
0x0000: 0002 850c 6340 000c 6e81 9a3a 0800 4500 ....c@..n..:..E.
0x0010: 0028 0000 4000 4006 0083 96a2 ca03 96a2 .(..@.@.........
0x0020: 4305 a180 0019 16fe fc86 0000 0000 5004 C.............P.
0x0030: 0000 c074 0000 ...t..
> The problem is: the server uses TLS, then the information is encrypted.
OK, sorry, I did not pay attention to that.
So, you can simply disable TLS in the SMTP session:
tr->setProperty("connection.tls", false);
But then, I'm not able to connect to server..
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'vmime::exceptions::authentication_error'
what(): Authentication error.
Try to catch "vmime::exception::invalid_response" and "vmime::exception::command_error" exceptions and see what you get when you call reponse() on it, this may give more details.
None of this exceptions is throwed, only the vmime::exceptions::authentication_error.
The response from server is: No SASL mechanism available.
(this happened because I using tr->setProperty("connection.tls" , false);)
If I run with tr->setProperty("connection.tls" , true);
the connection is estabilished successfully, but the image still is wrong.
I realized something: all the images send have 11kb size. Any idea why?
Are you sure the server accepts "big" attachments?
There may be a limit in message size...
You can try to send the same message with another mail client (Thunderbird, Evolution...) to see if the problem is caused by VMime or by the server.
Well, as far as I know gmail server accept attachments until 10mb.
With thunderbird everything is going fine
Can you send me the image by email?
I will test it with my Gmail account, it will be easier than this forum.
Finally, I have found what caused the problem. It seems that the Google SMTP server has some problems with very large chunks when sending data (SMTP command "DATA"), ie. over 16 KB. I have committed a temporary fix to the CVS, I will make a better fix in the next days.
Thanks for your help Vincent.
Just let me know when you finish the better fix.
Dear Vincent,
You wrote:
"Finally, I have found what caused the problem. It seems that the Google SMTP server has some problems with very large chunks when sending data (SMTP command "DATA"), ie. over 16 KB. I have committed a temporary fix to the CVS, I will make a better fix in the next days."
I also have the same problem and also discovered that it only happens when sending a message using smtp.gmail.com
I am using version 0.9 on this moment - does version 0.91 still have this issue or is it fixed?
Hello Arie!
You should try the latest SVN revision, as a lot of bugs have been fixed since release 0.9.1.
Dear Vincent,
I am not so familiar with SVN versions. Is the latest downloadable version ok? (libvmime-0.9.1.tar.bz2)