
Vorpal Mail / News: Recent posts

0.6.10 released

It's been far too long, but a new version has been released with fixes to some of the string handling code, that should make for a more stable server. My current plans are to integrate with a MySQL based POP3 server I am working on.

Posted by Blane Bramble 2004-01-09

0.6.8 released

Various changes and clean-ups. Hopefully silent death has been fixed, but I am still verifying.

Posted by Blane Bramble 2002-05-05


Vorpal Mail is now active again. I am working towards a new release which should contain a number of new features, some of which involve some fairly hefty new code, so it might be a while.

Posted by Blane Bramble 2002-01-08

0.6.0 released

The redesign of Vorpal Mail to use template classes is now complete, and version 0.6.0 has now been released. With this version I will again begin to start adding features.

Posted by Blane Bramble 2001-03-05

Moved to Beta Status

As of release 0.5.10 I have moved the status for Vorpal Mail from Alph to Beta. I have been using Vorpal Mail at a test site since 0.5.0 and feel the current functionality and stability justify this change.

Posted by Blane Bramble 2001-01-17

Initial Releases

Now that SourceForge is accepting uploads properly, I've uploaded the latest version (0.5.6) and a few previous releases for the curious. CVS should also now be up to date.

The basic system works, but there are a few issues that mean the system needs an eye kept on it. Also, the sendmail compatability code seems to have a few oddities (such as after the message has been through my ISP's gateway I seem to have two From: lines).

Posted by Blane Bramble 2000-12-15