

Alexey Arkhipenko

Analyze VMA Vmware IOPS and MBPS statistics

I tested these using 60GB output logs and it works.

How to install:
- Download latest apache+php+mysql package, for example OpenServer.
- Edit mysql.php and input mysql host, user, password, db.
- You may need to increase maximum runtime in php.ini significantly, depending on you system speed and size of your logs
- Create your database. Initialize your database with vma-stat.sql

How to use:
- Put your vmware vma logs into vmware-data folder
- Run vmware-load.php This will fill perf2 table with data
- Run vmware-load2.php This will fill perf table with data based on perf2 table
- Now you can use phpmyadmin to analyze perf table data and maybe mark some rows with p_bad=1 so that they will not be counted in resulting statistics (usually too big values).
- Run vmware-stat.php This will create vmware-result.csv file based on perf table.

Additional statistics
- Run vmware-loadhosts.php This will fill perf3 table with data
- Run vmware-stathosts.php This will show host-based statistics based on perf3 table

To run just open load-mysql.php or sync-mysql.php in browser

Здесь можно смотреть исходные данные в удобном SQL виде:
Две таблицы в базе mon:
Perf2 – фактически исходные данные в формате:
p_time p_host p_field p_name p_value
2015-08-11 17:04:40 vmware-data/13205.csv Reads/sec Disk Adapter(vmhba0) 3519780

Пример запроса:
SELECT * FROM perf2 WHERE p_time>='2015-08-11 17:04:00' AND p_time<'2015-08-11 17:05:00' ORDER BY p_value DESC;

Perf – агрегированные данные за минуты в формате:
p_time p_host p_field p_type p_avg p_max
2015-08-11 17:04:00 vmware-data/13205.csv Reads/sec Physical Disk Adapter( 879945 3519780

Пример запроса:
SELECT * FROM perf WHERE p_time='2015-08-11 17:04:00' ORDER BY p_max DESC;

The wiki uses Markdown syntax.

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