
VM02 / News: Recent posts

Apple II Java compatible VM Beta 3 released

VM02 is a Java compatible environment for the Apple II series of computers. Most basic features of a Java VM are implemented to allow direct execution of standard Java class files.

VM02 is implemented from scratch in 6502 assembly, optimized for the 6502 and Apple II platform. The entire VM fits in about 20K of RAM. This leaves about 30K of RAM available for data and code. Not a lot, but Java was defined for small platforms so you can get some reasonable programs even in such a small space. A high-resolution graphics page is available for use with small programs. Performance is acceptable for a 1 MHz, 8 bit CPU; on par with the UCSD p-System VM used in Apple Pascal. All features of the Apple II are made available through either specific classes, a low-level class that can call ROM routines, or both. There is a device driver architecture that currently supports 80 column cards, the Super Serial card, and the Apple Mouse card. ... read more

Posted by David Schmenk 2008-10-25

Apple II Java compatible VM Beta 2 released

VM02 is a Java compatible environment for the Apple II series of computers. Most basic features of a Java VM are implemented to allow direct execution of standard Java class files.

VM02 is implemented from scratch in 6502 assembly, optimized for the 6502 and Apple II platform. The entire VM fits in about 20K of RAM. This leaves about 30K of RAM available for data and code. Not a lot, but Java was defined for small platforms so you can get some reasonable programs even in such a small space. A high-resolution graphics page is available for use with small programs. Performance is acceptable for a 1 MHz, 8 bit CPU; on par with the UCSD p-System VM used in Apple Pascal. All features of the Apple II are made available through either specific classes, a low-level class that can call ROM routines, or both. There is a device driver architecture that currently supports 80 column cards, the Super Serial card, and the Apple Mouse card.... read more

Posted by David Schmenk 2008-09-26