
Change Log

v2.5 - December 13, 2014

  • Fixed issue of VLyriC incorrectly reloading video sources after editing video sources.
  • Fixed issue with VLyriC trying to record a received event/message from VLC, soon after the respective checkbox was unchecked.
  • Fixed issue that caused an error in VLyriC when recording the commands sent for re-initialization after video source change.
  • Fixed issue that caused an error in VLyriC when re-showing the selected slide after changing video sources.
  • Added ability to double click on a slide to show it.
  • Added ability to double click on a video source to show it.

v2.4.1 - December 5, 2014

  • Fixed issue of VLyriC crashing when VLC closes while VLyriC is checking for or reading a message from VLC.
  • Minor performance improvements.

v2.4 - December 5, 2014

  • Added notification about Quick Hints Overlay on 'first use'.
  • Added ability to disable checking the connection (in VLyriC.ini, set CheckConnRefreshRate to a value less than 1).
  • Added ability to disable checking for events and messages sent from VLC (in VLyriC.ini, set RxMsgRefreshRate to a value less than 1).
  • Added functionality to automatically resend the Initialization commands and trigger the 'Show Selected' button after a Video Source change.
  • Added functionality to watch for a video needing to be 'un-paused' in order to change video source.
  • Fixed Out of Range exception when adding a new video source.
  • Fixed connection check so it doesn't interfere with commands being sent to VLC.
  • Fixed issue of splash screen partially hiding update notification.
  • Fixed Run VLC dialog not setting IP address upon closing.
  • Fixed issue with @m1 being sent as @m2 and @m1 not being sent at all when using back slashes.
  • Fixed issue with the first '@' character being sent with a line inteded to be a command.
  • Changed Edit Sources form minimum size so the "What is an MRL?" link can't be hidden from resizing.
  • Changed solution file to open project with Visual Studio 2013 by default.
  • Changed receiving function so it doesn't add the prompt symbol (>) to VLC Events & Messages.
  • Changed Send Init function so it doesn't send empty lines.
  • Changed Main form closing procedure to make sure VLC is notified that VLyriC is closing.
  • Removed init commands related to @m3 (originally used in VLyriC v1).
  • Minor performance improvements.

v2.3 - November 7, 2014

  • Created Quick Hints overlay
  • Created context menu for the Help button, containing options for opening Quick Hints, online or offline help, and the change log
  • Added ability to turn file watching on or off (set in the ini file)
  • Added ability to cancel checking for updates
  • Added ability to see error message if there was an error while check for updates
  • Fixed issue in the VLC Run dialog of the Specific IP text box using the saved hostname
  • Fixed Video Sources file change notification showing even when there was no change
  • Fixed window scaling issue when run on some odd video hardware configurations (hopefully it works for all cases)
  • Changed the URL used to check for updates (we're now using SourceForge instead of a personal server)
  • Removed recommendation to restart VLyriC after creating example files
  • Minor performance changes

v2.2.1 - October 22, 2014

  • Fixed issue of multiple notifications for the same file change (hopefully)
  • Fixed issue of file change notification after a save within VLyriC

v2.2 - October 21, 2014

  • Imported all images to the application resources and changed all applicable references to match the new location
  • Added a random-value-parameter to the URL used to check for updates

v2.1 - October 20, 2014

  • Fixed reference to null object when starting VLyriC for the first time and opting to not create example files
  • Added form with instructions on how to get an MRL from VLC to use in the video sources list
  • Added file system watchers to watch for changes in the init commands, lyrics, and sources files
  • Changed properties of splash screen so there is less potential be improperly manipulated or hidden
  • Added version number to splash screen
  • Changed timer settings used in splash screen for better performance and readability
  • Fixed exception when there was an error while checking for updates
  • Changed URL used to look for updates
  • Changed form scaling to be more compatible with various video cards (hopefully)
  • Changed resources to not use spaces in file names
  • Added assembly information

v2.0 - October 7, 2014

  • Re-write of the original VLyriC released
  • Separated host and port options
  • Moved Lyric/Command/Slide hints to a separate form
  • Added Video Controls (play, pause, rewind, etc.)
  • Changed the Text Overlay Control to display the selected line in @m1 instead of @m2
  • Made controls resize appropriately with form
  • Changed video source selection to a listbox instead of radio buttons
  • Created GUI for the list of video sources
  • Added terminal-like functionality to the custom command text box (up/down to select previously-sent -commands)
  • Provided the option to save and clear the command and events histories
  • Added the Toggle Fullscreen button
  • Added a form with resources to get the appropriate VLC installer
  • Moved the VLC launch/execution function to a separate form (with some added functionality)
  • Changed application icon

v1.0 - March 10, 2012


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