
Virtual Laboratory Environment / News: Recent posts


VLE 1.2


Release highlights

  • The begin and duration simulation parameters are availables as conditions (into a global condition named simulation_engine). They can be used into experimental frames with VLE, MVLE, GVLE, RVLE and PyVLE. However, these changes break the compatibility between VLE 1.1 and VLE 1.2. So, we provide a script to convert your old VPZ 1.1 to the new syntax. This script is available in the source of VLE or in the the scripts directory in your installation.... read more
Posted by Gauthier Quesnel 2014-05-28

VLE 1.1.2



Gauthier Quesnel (9):

  • github: add travis hooks config
  • utils: fix regular expression in unit test package
  • utils: fix deallocated memory in SpawnUnix
  • devs: fix a potential segfault in Coordinator
  • vpz: remove useless assignment in CoupledModel
  • mvle: assign a default value to the number of VPZ
  • utils: simplify source in SpawnUnix
  • cpack: fix installation of gtksourceview directory
  • NEWS: update... read more
Posted by Gauthier Quesnel 2014-05-27

VLE 1.1.1

A patch release of VLE:


Changes from 1.1.0


Gauthier Quesnel (9):
- AUTHORS: update
- Switch to 2014
- gvle: update AUTHORS
- gvle: update website
- scripts: adding script to convert vpz 1.1 to 1.2... read more

Posted by Gauthier Quesnel 2014-04-03


VLE 1.1.0

A major release of VLE:


Release highlights

From VLE 1.1, the extension (FSA, Petri net, Difference Equation, etc.) are provided into packages. A package can provides simulators, gvle's plug-ins, data, documentation, headers and static libraries. A package can depends of another package to be build and to be use at runtime of the simulation.... read more

Posted by Gauthier Quesnel 2014-01-07


A fourth beta for VLE 1.1. Binary and Source Packages are available.
See for instructions.


Eric Casellas (1):
- vle : fix compilation options handling

Gauthier Quesnel (8):
- devs: fix Dynamics::init() with negative Time
- vle: add CXX and CC flags for Clang
- devs: improve the positive and negative infinity test
- utils: remove unused variables
- test: hide declaration of get_temporary_path
- devs: remove unused variable
- vle: use class instead of struct with Pimpl
- vle: update NEWS... read more

Posted by Gauthier Quesnel 2013-10-03


A third beta for VLE 1.1. Binary and Source Packages are available.
See for instructions.

Changes from vle-1.1.0-beta2

  • README: switch to rst
  • cli: add user messages in RemoteManager
  • cli: fix help for remote manager
  • cli: fix the remote commands
  • cmake: best detection pkg-config dependencies
  • cmake: update to README.rst instead of README
  • ctest: add CTest scripts
  • debug: remove the (de)allocated debug variables
  • gvle: add the adjustment and zoom management
  • gvle: fix file copy into the FileTreeView
  • gvle: fix header guard fail
  • gvle: fix the "new file" feature
  • gvle: fix the Preferences Dialog
  • gvle: fix the configuration of oov
  • gvle: fix the creation of a new directory
  • gvle: fix the rename function of the FileTreeView
  • gvle: fix the saving of a new vpz file
  • gvle: fix the unhandled copies
  • gvle: update the Project menu
  • template: fix CMake script
  • template: fix the root CMakeLists.txt
  • utils: add messages and log on install in RemoteManager
  • utils: fill the actionSource function in RemoteManager
  • utils: fix actionUpdate results in RemoteManager
  • utils: fix install in RemoteManager
  • utils: fix names and urls in RemoteManager
  • utils: fix the package parser
  • utils: fix the update action in RemoteManager
  • utils: format of the Description.txt file
  • utils: get the correct status after Spwan process
  • utils: improve download manager
  • utils: rename the mPackages member in RemoteManager.
  • utils: update show commands in RemoteManager
  • utils: use tar.bz2 and fill actionInstall in RemoteManager
  • vle: improve error message with std::exception
  • vle: remove debug message
  • vle: update the clean command behaviour
  • win32: fix cmake install command
Posted by Gauthier Quesnel 2013-09-17


Second beta for VLE 1.1. Binary and Source Packages are available.
See for instructions.

Changes from vle-1.1.0-beta1

cli: fix uncaught exception
cmake: fix the error message in gvle
cmake: library dirs in FindVLE and FindGVLE
cmake: remove any reference to eov and oov
cmake win32: fix FindVle and FindGVLE for 64 bits
package: fix the extension detection of libraries
template: add automatic install directives
template: fix cpack configuration
template: remove the REQUIRED keyword in pkg-config
vle: build a static library libvle
win32: fix missing libarchive dependencies
win32: fix the search path using HKEYs in cmake
win32: fix the predefined variables for Boost
win32: fix the test_package test

Posted by Gauthier Quesnel 2013-06-21


A first beta for VLE 1.1. Binary and Source Packages are available.
See for instructions.

Posted by Gauthier Quesnel 2013-05-31


A new version of the Virtual Laboratory Environment is available for the stable branch, 1.0. All files and documentation are available on Sourceforge and VLE websites.

Posted by Gauthier Quesnel 2012-05-21


A new version of the Virtual Laboratory Environment is available for the stable branch, 1.0. All files and documentation are available on Sourceforge and VLE websites.

Posted by Gauthier Quesnel 2012-02-16


A new version of the Virtual Laboratory Environment is available for the stable branch, 1.0. All files and documentation are available on Sourceforge and VLE websites.

Posted by Gauthier Quesnel 2011-11-15


A new version of the Virtual Laboratory Envrionment is available. AlI files and documentation are available on Sourceforge and VLE websites.

Posted by Gauthier Quesnel 2011-09-15


A new version of the Virtual Laboratory Envrionment is available for the next-stable branch (1.0.0-alpha6). AlI files and documentation are available on Sourceforge and VLE websites.

Posted by Gauthier Quesnel 2011-05-18


A new version of the Virtual Laboratory Envrionment is available for the next-stable branch (1.0.0-alpha5). AlI files and documentation are available on Sourceforge and VLE websites.

Posted by Gauthier Quesnel 2011-04-27


VLE 1.0.0-alpha3

* devs and oov: The observation system (devs::View, devs::Observable, devs::StreamWriter, devs::ObservationEvent) is completely rewritten. We replace in the scheduller the devs::ObservationEvent (one event for each devs::Observable (couple atomic model, observation port), by the devs::ViewEvent (one event for each devs::View). This change gives:
  - Optimisation in the insertion, the deletion, the observation of observable. We switch the complexity of algorithms from O(n log(m)) in O(log(n)), n is the number of View, m, the number of model. This change significantly improves the performance of observations system.
  - Observation are made even if no observable is attached to the View. This avoids empty outputs when no model is observed.
  - The behavior of event type observations has changed. When an event view is attached to several models and one of these models does an internal transition, external or conflict transition, all the models is observed. In the previous version, only the model whose state changed was observed.... read more

Posted by Gauthier Quesnel 2011-01-18


VLE 1.0.0-alpha2

* win32:
** fix a bad dllexport, dllimport for class decision::Plan.
* cpack:
** fix the VLE_EXTRA variables in for packages distribution
* package:
** the clean() command in package now remove `makefile' and `cmakecache.txt'.

Posted by Gauthier Quesnel 2010-12-08

vle 1.0.0-alpha1

VLE 1.0.0-alpha1

VLE 1.0.0-alpha1 has been released to the world. See the [1], [2] and the ChangeLog for details. Highlights include big changes of the GVLE program to improve the user experience like a new visualization of modeling, new dialog and new mechanism for a faster experience. Another feature is a Java bindings in addition to Python and R. The VLF (VLE Foundation Libraries) are updated to provide a clean and powerful API but these changes break the API and ABI between 0.8 and 0.9. See the [howto changes 0.8 to 0.9].... read more

Posted by Gauthier Quesnel 2010-12-07


vle-0.8.9, a bug fix release


* remove a strange assertion: We replace the assertion with a classical test. The assert is very strange. If the cache for a specific port is empty, the deletion of this port throw assertion.


* fsa: fix memory leak in statechart. When several events occurs simultaneously, the first event is deleted but next not. Add attribute map deletion.
* decision: fix bad test when adding activities: Fix a bad test when adding an activity. The bad test checks if the activity already exist before adding.
* qss: fix typo in output function: The output function build an external event with a bad attribute ‘gardient’ instead of ‘gradient’.... read more

Posted by Gauthier Quesnel 2010-10-13


Bug fix, memory leaks fix and Java binding

* jvle: a new binding in for Java: beta version.

* vle: remove CMake policy CMP0015 error
* devs: fix memory leaks in init function
* devs: fix memory leaks in condition and event handling
* devs: fix a memory leak in Dynamics debug mode
* devs: fix bad id in ModelFactory
* oov: fix memory leak in Dummy plugin
* package: remove references to i386 architecture
* utils: add one distribution in the PRNG
* vpz: fix typos in an error message

Posted by Gauthier Quesnel 2010-09-28


VLE 0.8.7

1. command line interface:
* add test command on package: It not possible to use a command $vle -P pkg-name test in order to launch unit test. This patch has been done to do so. The object Package.cpp Package.hpp are impacted by this. A function test() has been added to the singleton Package. Several update are done to add this feature in gvle.

2. extension:
* fsa: fix unit test in Statechart: without Boost::pool, the Statechart unit-test failed. We fix the initialization of some variables and remove a conflict between an enumeration and attribute variable.... read more

Posted by Gauthier Quesnel 2010-07-23


VLE 0.8.6
(See for details)

1. libvleextension: in difference equation:
* fix bug on generic model: When an external event occurs on SEND_INIT or POST_SEND_INIT, the exception on "invalid variable name" is raised.
* fix bug on init process: When an external variable have several values for its initialization, the initExternalVariable method is invoked several times.... read more

Posted by Gauthier Quesnel 2010-06-29


VLE 0.8.5
(See for details)

* command line interface:
fix conflict in cli with multiple vpz: When starting a simulation with a vpz (in CLI), if a vpz file exists in the current directory and a file exists in exp directory of the package, by default, the priority is set on the current file. We change the behavior by throwing a exception in this case.

* graph:
fix cloning connections for coupledmodels: The algorithm to copy for coupled models computes bad connections for input and output connections when the coupled model have the same name than one of its sub-models (closes: #3011555).... read more

Posted by Gauthier Quesnel 2010-06-18


VLE 0.8.4

(See for details)

* devs: To allow a better debugging, we add a function allowing to store or dump a valid XML VPZ stream from the API of devs::Executive.
void devs::Executive::dump(std::ostream& out) const;

* extension difference equation: When a model connected to a generic DifferenceEquation model is removed, the number of connected models isn't updated correctly if some models have send your value.

Posted by Gauthier Quesnel 2010-05-31


VLE 0.8.3

(See for details)

* utils:
- fix isValidYear when negative applied date: isValidYear has now a supplementary control, in order to check for example if a date can be build from a negative value.

* manager:
- Thread manager is limited to one run: to avoid risky reinitialisation, the start method of a ManagerRunThread object can be now called only once. Concatenating simulation of plans require the building of new ManagerRunThread objects.... read more

Posted by Gauthier Quesnel 2010-04-28


VLE 0.8.2

* project:
vle: fix cflags include directories in pc files: In the same version of VLE (ie. same major and minor version, only the patch changes), we do not modify the paths of include directories.

* extension:
difference equation: fix bug on dynamic creation and history: When a coupled model is created dynamically and it have several atomic models based on DifferenceEquation extension, if an atomic model have a history, this history goes out the coupled model and it is possible that an atomic model is running and receive this history. This case proceed a bug (an exception).... read more

Posted by Gauthier Quesnel 2010-04-09