
Tree [4a9782] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 bootstrap4 2018-11-08 xguang xguang [4a9782] I created a bootstrap4-album, and modified the ...
 js 2018-07-31 xguang xguang [faa4d5] 2018-11-08 xguang xguang [4a9782] I created a bootstrap4-album, and modified the ...
 gcd_demo.html 2018-11-08 xguang xguang [4a9782] I created a bootstrap4-album, and modified the ...
 index.html 2018-09-27 xguang xguang [5604c5] a small change that is removing the path "//"
 index1.html 2018-07-31 xguang xguang [89737f]

Read Me


Some Introductions

Hello, It is the first time for me to creat this project.
I would like to put my latest works on this project. And I'm consider sharing which the Javascript works by myself, may lasting long time. If I decide to join in the open source project of SourceForge, in my view, I might do a correct thing.

I have learnt the js and php language for several years. Then I intend to code on, which is famous for OpenSource. There, I will work with you.

Please wait for my harvest.

Here is a list of tiny project files at present.

  • gcd_demo.html