VIVO Harvester: Enabling ETL for the National Network of Scientists

Anonymous Jon Corson-Rikert

Challenges exist with the source of any data for a scientific profile, be it time constraints of the researcher for hand entry, validity, or provenance. In an effort to reduce the burden of manual data entry, ensure validity, and establish provenance the VIVO team at UF has created a system of tools to ingest data from authoritative and aggregate sources in an automated fashion.

What is VIVO?

VIVO is an open source semantic web application originally developed and implemented at Cornell University between 2003
and 2004. In September 2009 seven institutions received $12.2 million in funding from the National Center for Research Resources at the NIH for VIVO: Enabling National Networking of Scientists” (NIH, U24 RR029822).

When installed and populated with researcher interests, activities, and accomplishments, it enables the discovery of research and scholarship across disciplines at that institution. VIVO supports browsing and a search function which returns faceted results for rapid retrieval of desired information.

Content in any local VIVO installation may be maintained manually, brought into VIVO in automated ways from local systems of record, such as HR, grants, course, and faculty activity databases, or from database providers such as publication aggregators and funding agencies. VIVO’s Data is open, conforming to the Linked Open Data Standards, presenting information that is otherwise hidden or un-maintained to world.

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