
Vive / News: Recent posts

2.0.0 is released!

Vive 2.0.0 has finally been released! Download it today!

Also, an Ubuntu Feisty package has been added. I suggest that you use the Medibuntu repository ( ) to meet the dependencies, as the Ubuntu package is compiled to allow DVD usage.


Posted by Eric Hewitt 2007-07-20

2.0.0-beta2 Released!

2.0.0-beta2 is now out! Download it today and enjoy a streamlined interface, stabler code, and new features like multiple files and folder support. Documentation still has to be done on this, so that explains the Beta, but it will come soon. Enjoy!

Posted by Eric Hewitt 2007-07-11

SVN, Mailing Lists, and the like

Vive has been in active development still, so don't you worry. It's been quite a ride, with great new developments and all that, so woohoo. I encourage everybody to check out the SVN copy if you feel like being a trunk tester.

Also, mailing lists have been introduced, as well. vive-support AT lists DOT sourceforge DOT net is for your support requests and vive-devel AT lists DOT sourceforge DOT net is for any development questions. Feel free to subscribe to either, but you don't need a subscription to send in support requests. For the devel, I have to OK each one if you haven't subscribed.... read more

Posted by Eric Hewitt 2007-03-31

2.0.0-beta 1 Released

Release time! Vive 2.0.0-beta1 is now out, so make sure to pick it up at the download page. Also, the most current version is up on SVN. To get it, simply do:

svn co

in whatever folder you want to download it to.

Posted by Eric Hewitt 2007-02-14