
Vital State / News: Recent posts

For news check our website

For latest news check on our website

Posted by Krishnan Shrikumar 2004-06-26

Welcoming the new artists on board

We have successfully managed to recruit 8 new concept artists (9 in total). I would like to welcome the new members Luke M, Angie, Alex T, Jonathan M, Namir, Gino, Kevin, and Caitlin to the team.

Its good to have you all with us.

The Concept Artist post is now closed, however if anybody is still interested in joining the team then drop me an email

Posted by Krishnan Shrikumar 2003-09-26


We are on IRC now so if you wanna have a chat with the development team then log onto

#vitalstate under Quakenet

If anybody needs any help with this, then visit our forums

We will be intigrating a chat system to our website in the near future.

See you there

Posted by Krishnan Shrikumar 2002-12-27


The task of designing the game characters / objects have started.

Posted by Krishnan Shrikumar 2002-10-29

We are back up

Alright everyone seems to be free again so im glad to say vitalstate is back up again.

Watch this space

Posted by Krishnan Shrikumar 2002-10-23

vitalstate sleeping

vitalstate is currently in sleep mode, since more than 90% of our developers are involved with starting univercity and collage.

We will be waking up on the 20th of october

Posted by Krishnan Shrikumar 2002-10-13

Development Well On Its Way

VItalstate is now really lifting off. We have a couple of screenshots of test models and some breif levels will be coming soon. We are also working on the conceptual arts and furthur core level design.

The engine is also coming along pretty good. Steady improvements.

We are really lucky to have such a talent development team who is both hard working, eager and patient while not getting paid.

"While others reach for the sky, we reach for the stars"

Posted by Krishnan Shrikumar 2002-07-28

Documents to be translated to spanish

Just to let everyone know we have a spanish doc translator (who is also a part time novelist) who will be translating all our docs to spanish.

Good news to all the spanish speakers ;o)

If anybody can translate to any other language then please get in touch with me, thanks.

Posted by Krishnan Shrikumar 2002-07-18

Game Plan Document to be released soon

The game plan document should be released soon

Posted by Krishnan Shrikumar 2002-07-18

Game Design Document Released

Finally the game design document has been released. This document outlines a lot about vitalstate. We will still be updating this document futhur in the near future, adding more things in etc.

You can find it here\*checkout*/vitalstate/docs/Design/game_design.htm?rev=1.11&content-type=text/plain

Also just wanna put out and thanks to Matt for the great editing work.

Posted by Krishnan Shrikumar 2002-07-16

New Forum on

You can find a much better forum on our web site, please use this instead of the sourceforge forum. thanks

Posted by Krishnan Shrikumar 2002-07-10

Game Documentation Almost Ready

The game documentation oulining everything you need to know about Vitalstate is almost ready.

Posted by Krishnan Shrikumar 2002-07-05

3D artists and DOC writers NEEDED!

We are very short of 3D artists and Writers for vital state. So if you know anyone who could be game then please let us know.

Posted by Krishnan Shrikumar 2002-07-03

Vitalstate Wallpaper

You can download the vitalstate wall paper from the download section on

Posted by Krishnan Shrikumar 2002-07-02 up

point your browsers to the new site to relish. Its actually the same as just now but.....

check out for current code documentation in real time


Posted by Shriram Shrikumar 2002-06-24

Got the name registration , will be hosting soon on this domain.

Posted by Krishnan Shrikumar 2002-06-18

code base for vitalstate

Hi All,

For everyone waiting for code status - here it is. It is preliminary - no collision detection or anything yet.

Some brief notes are posted on the docs section.

To view interfaces and such (very much preliminary and likely to change a *lot), point your clicky thingies to

This is hosted only home machine so, if it doesn't seem to work for longer than 5-10 mts, drop me a line.... read more

Posted by Shriram Shrikumar 2002-06-17

Meeting went good after some problems

The meeting went good and hopefully the team has a better idea of what is going on now.

Graphics Development is well on its way now.

There couldnt be a stronger team

Posted by Krishnan Shrikumar 2002-06-11

Graphics Team Meeting

Meeting on 11/06/2002 for the graphics team, see ya there

Posted by Krishnan Shrikumar 2002-06-08

Dynamic Game Play Design Updated

here is what we have so far :::TASK:::: "what we have planned is: Even though the core of the design is going to be spinning around a story line, every mission cant be finsied by following a walk through for example. Ex"If you alrert the rapist he could get scared and run anywhere in the 3d world, you will have to find him if you f*** up(by honking your horn while on the stake out maby)" :::TASK:::

Posted by Krishnan Shrikumar 2002-06-03

Grpahics Team Updated

We have 2 new team members, Ray and Martin. Also my friend Colin will be here as well to give us help.

Posted by Krishnan Shrikumar 2002-05-30

Texture Test : Screen Shots available now

Just got hold of some screen shots from the texture trial, You can find the screen shots on the DOC's Section, you need to be in our team to see it though im afraid.

Posted by Krishnan Shrikumar 2002-05-24

High Res Textures worked like a dream

The Hi res textures (even though it too time to process, 650Mhz isnt rnough power damn it) worked like a dream, the game looks **very** real, I will post some screen shots ASAP , but having trouble getting print screen to work in CS3DE, shri im sure will figure something out.

Posted by Krishnan Shrikumar 2002-05-23

Mailing List has been set up :o)

Alright people, we have a mailing list now. Announcments, and Users.

Posted by Krishnan Shrikumar 2002-05-23

Graphic Design

The graphic design is coming along very nicely , check out our home page to get a taste :

I got a little mixed up with vital state and vital source, sorry dude(s) ...... very confused monkey...

remember "Never **** with a confused monkey"

Posted by Krishnan Shrikumar 2002-05-23