
#5 some bugs, glitches & suggestion (win2k)

Ken Fitlike

The following observed under win2k:

1. Maximize caption button causes wnd to shrink to
caption bar ie no default min size set. Nor is there a
default window position.
2. Need to see the build process reported step by
step in the output window. This is because there is
very little to inform the user that a build is actually in
progress. Also, is the time quoted the total elapsed
time or the build time - it should be labelled
appropriately. Perhaps both should be available.
3. The latest mingw cvs commctrl.h is now suitable for
use ie your own modified version is probably no longer
necessary. This is only tested during compile: run-time
tests have not been performed.
4. The latest mingw cvs commdlg.h is now suitable for
use ie your own modified version is probably no longer
necessary. This is only tested during compile: run-time
tests have not been performed.
5. Intermittent warning during builds in
win2k: "Warning: file makefile has modifications in the
6. You have defined two macros in common.h, MIN
and MAX which seem to be functional identical to 'min'
and 'max' macros which are already available (defined
in windef.h).
7. Access violation if use system close button to quit
vmingw while project is opened. This only happened
8. CEditor::SetLexer fn in edit.cpp has void return
type but returns a value.


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