

Walter Lyrer

Visitor Generator Overview

The Visitor Generator creates Java Source Code for classes traversing non-visitable component tree in a half-automated way.

Please note that the Visitor Generator does not generate code according to the Visitor Design Pattern.

The Visitor Generator generates code for components having no Visitor Design Pattern implemented by customer or design restrictions but there is a need to traverse the component tree.

The generates code separates the code for the "visiting" (what to do on a visited node component) and the code implementing the traversal logic by an RelationResolver.

Thus you can implement Visitors and RelationResolvers and combine them as needed.

E.g. You want to find a node component by it's unique id. In that case you can implement a Visitor comparing each node until found. And you implement an RelationResolver that stops as soon as the element is found. It is not necessary to traverse the whole component tree when the unique component is found.

The Visitor Generator generates the "structure" of a visitor framework and concrete visitor and relation resolver classes. This saves a lot of code writing.


Copyright by Walter Lyrer


The author cannot be made responsible for any damage caused by the Visitor Generator.
The usage of the Visitor Generator is on own risk.
The code is designed and implemented on best know-how and with good intentions by the author.
Especially is to mention that the generated code of the Visitor Generator is not guaranteed to run instantly correct.
Manual supervision is necessary.


Walter Lyrer

Other projects from same author

Jacoge Java Generator Eclipse Plugin
Converter Generator
Strategy/State Generator
Named Parameter Converter

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