

Walter Lyrer

Visitor Generator API

The Visitor Generator has the following API class:


This API class has three methods:

  1. setGlobalProperties
  2. generate

Some Global Properties must be set with method setGlobalProperties before calling the other method.

Execute from command line

Class provides a main method to call the Visitor Generator. It can be used in two different ways:

1. Pass properties file paths as arguments:

  • args[0] (mandatory): File path of the properties file containing the data for the Global Properties.
  • args[1..n] (optional): File path of a properties file containing data for a Concrete Visitor and RelationResolver.

Please note that also properties files as a Java classpath can be passed over.

2. Pass directory path containing properties files:

Please note, that no sub directories are traversed to find properties files:

  • args[0] (mandatory): File path of the directory containing the properties files

At least one properties file with name containing the Global Properties is mandatory.

All other properties files are interpreted as properties for a Concrete Visitor.

Directories and other files are ignored.


Copyright by Walter Lyrer


The author cannot be made responsible for any damage caused by the Visitor Generator.
The usage of the Visitor Generator is on own risk.
The code is designed and implemented on best know-how and with good intentions by the author.
Especially is to mention that the generated code of the Visitor Generator is not guaranteed to run instantly correct.
Manual supervision is necessary.


Walter Lyrer

Other projects from same author

Jacoge Java Generator Eclipse Plugin
Converter Generator
Strategy/State Generator
Named Parameter Converter

Project Members:


Wiki: GeneratorDocumentation