
Vis5d+ 1.0

I'm pleased to announce release 1.0 of Vis5d+, a program for volumetric visualization of scientific data in 3+ dimensions. Many advanced features, such as OpenGL for interactive 3d manipulation and rendering, animation, Tcl scripting, and map projections for geographic data, are supported.

Vis5d+ is based upon a program called Vis5d, for which I had been maintaining a version with an autoconf-based build process with the blessing of the original Vis5d developers. Vis5d also has had an unusually large number of other forked enhancements in the past; hopefully, some of these may be merged into Vis5d+.

We hope that Vis5d+ will become a central repository for such enhancements in the future, thanks to SourceForge's collaboration and hosting features. We are working closely with the original Vis5d developers to stay in sync with the mainline tree, and hope that future forks can be prevented.

Steven G. Johnson

Posted by Steven G. Johnson 2000-08-06

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