
Vis5d+ / News: Recent posts

vis5d+ 1.2.0 released

Vis5d+ provides enhancements and development for the Vis5d scientific visualization tool, a program to display volumetric datasets in 3+ dimensions.

The 1.2.0 release of vis5d+ is out and with this release VIS5D+ has gained an endorsement from Bill Hibbard, original author of vis5d: "Thank you for this excellent work. I have modified the Vis5D web page to say that Vis5d+ is the recommended version. But we will still serve our older versions of Vis5D (5.2 beta,5.1, 5.0, etc) for those who want them."

Posted by Jim Edwards 2001-11-07

Vis5d+ 1.0.1

Vis5d+ 1.0.1 is now available, with several bugfixes, including fixes for crashing bugs under Linux. Linux multithreading now works.

Posted by Steven G. Johnson 2000-08-25

Vis5d+ 1.0

I'm pleased to announce release 1.0 of Vis5d+, a program for volumetric visualization of scientific data in 3+ dimensions. Many advanced features, such as OpenGL for interactive 3d manipulation and rendering, animation, Tcl scripting, and map projections for geographic data, are supported.

Vis5d+ is based upon a program called Vis5d, for which I had been maintaining a version with an autoconf-based build process with the blessing of the original Vis5d developers. Vis5d also has had an unusually large number of other forked enhancements in the past; hopefully, some of these may be merged into Vis5d+.... read more

Posted by Steven G. Johnson 2000-08-06