
Tree [9d4c46] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 CVSROOT 2009-11-10 bjasspa <> [35fbc4] Added VirtuaWin.exe.manifest to the all module
 Help 2021-01-16 Johan Piculell Johan Piculell [2b3f9d] Mail update
 Icons 2007-07-16 bjasspa <> [4d41ae] Added new desk icons.
 Module 2021-01-16 Johan Piculell Johan Piculell [2b3f9d] Mail update
 Modules 2016-03-05 Johan Piculell Johan Piculell [b9a0cc] Updated for newer Cygwin
 WinList 2021-01-02 Johan Piculell Johan Piculell [ffdfe0] Some copyright year updates
 scripts 2021-01-16 Johan Piculell Johan Piculell [9d4c46] Updated setup binaries
 .cvsignore 2009-11-24 bjasspa <> [df6b11] Ignore vwHook.res
 .gitignore 2016-03-12 Johan Piculell Johan Piculell [563687] Updated gitignore
 COPYING.TXT 2006-07-04 bjasspa <> [d6a410] Fixed strange \r\r\n line termination in many o...
 ConfigParameters.h 2021-01-02 Johan Piculell Johan Piculell [ffdfe0] Some copyright year updates
 Defines.h 2021-01-16 Johan Piculell Johan Piculell [2b3f9d] Mail update
 DiskRoutines.c 2021-01-02 Johan Piculell Johan Piculell [ffdfe0] Some copyright year updates
 DiskRoutines.h 2021-01-02 Johan Piculell Johan Piculell [ffdfe0] Some copyright year updates
 HISTORY.TXT 2021-01-16 Johan Piculell Johan Piculell [6dcc89] Updated history
 Makefile 2016-03-05 Johan Piculell Johan Piculell [b9a0cc] Updated for newer Cygwin
 Messages.h 2021-01-02 Johan Piculell Johan Piculell [ffdfe0] Some copyright year updates
 ModuleRoutines.c 2021-01-02 Johan Piculell Johan Piculell [ffdfe0] Some copyright year updates
 README.TXT 2021-01-16 Johan Piculell Johan Piculell [2b3f9d] Mail update
 READMEII.TXT 2021-01-16 Johan Piculell Johan Piculell [2b3f9d] Mail update
 Resource.h 2012-10-06 bjasspa <> [a54955] 3304530 Added Automatically close window option...
 SetupDialog.c 2021-01-02 Johan Piculell Johan Piculell [ffdfe0] Some copyright year updates
 VirtuaWin.c 2021-01-02 Johan Piculell Johan Piculell [ffdfe0] Some copyright year updates
 VirtuaWin.exe.manifest 2009-11-24 bjasspa <> [89da87] 2901801 Added trustInfo to manifest
 VirtuaWin.h 2021-01-02 Johan Piculell Johan Piculell [ffdfe0] Some copyright year updates
 VirtuaWin.rc 2021-01-02 Johan Piculell Johan Piculell [ffdfe0] Some copyright year updates
 WinRuleDialog.c 2021-01-02 Johan Piculell Johan Piculell [ffdfe0] Some copyright year updates
 build 2016-03-05 Johan Piculell Johan Piculell [1c8847] Changed file mode
 build.bat 2021-01-02 Johan Piculell Johan Piculell [ffdfe0] Some copyright year updates
 vwCommands.def 2012-10-11 bjasspa <> [fb1314] V4.4 - updated copyright year
 vwHook.c 2021-01-02 Johan Piculell Johan Piculell [ffdfe0] Some copyright year updates
 vwHook.h 2021-01-02 Johan Piculell Johan Piculell [ffdfe0] Some copyright year updates
 vwHook.rc 2021-01-02 Johan Piculell Johan Piculell [ffdfe0] Some copyright year updates
 win32v6.mak 2012-10-11 bjasspa <> [fb1314] V4.4 - updated copyright year
 win32v8.mak 2014-06-08 bjasspa <> [966181] #228 Added support for MS VC++ (Epress) 8 & 9+ ...
 win32v9.mak 2014-06-08 bjasspa <> [966181] #228 Added support for MS VC++ (Epress) 8 & 9+ ...

Read Me

                  by Johan Piculell

VirtuaWin is a small, fast and easy to use virtual desktop manager for
all later Windows releases, with no unnecessary features. The current
desktop is indicated by a small icon in the system tray to conserve space.
There are many configuration possibilities for both mouse and keyboard
control. VirtuaWin also supports modules for adding features without
decreasing the performance in VirtuaWin itself.

Code comments
The source has been compiled using the MINGW & Cygwin gcc compiler as well as
Microsoft MSVC v6.0. It should be possible to compile with other win32 C
compilers with perhaps minor changes.

Check our website for info on module development.

README.TXT      This file.
HISTORY.TXT     Description of changes.
COPYING.TXT     GNU General Public License Version 2.
build           Build script for MINGW MSYS & Cygwin bash.
build.bat       Build script for Microsoft cmd. 
Makefile        Makefile for MINGW & Cygwin.
win32v6.mak     Makefile for Microsoft MSVC v6.0.
*.c *.h	        Source files.

If you discover any bugs in this software, please register a bug in the
SourceForge tracking system at

Please include version number and as much information about the problem as

VirtuaWin is a freely distributed program and is licensed under the GNU
General Public License.

Copyright (c) 1999-2005 Johan Piculell
Copyright (c) 2006-2021 VirtuaWin (