
Security and viruses

  • Katagiri

    Katagiri - 2008-01-07

    Hello! I have a little question... let's suppose I have 2 desktops, the real one and the virtual one. Let's suppose I got I virus when I was using the virtual desktop. Will it infect my computer or will it vanish if I erase the virtual desktop?

    • Steven Phillips

      Steven Phillips - 2008-01-07

      In reality you only have one desktop, The desktop. All VW is doing is hiding some of the windows, when you change desktops VW hides the currently visible windows and shows some of the windows its currently hiding.

      So in answer to your question, if your computer gets a virus its got a virus regardless of the desktop. You could look into using virtual machines (e.g. MS's Virtual PC), if your Virtual PC gets a virus then you may be able to contain it to just the virtual PC.

    • Katagiri

      Katagiri - 2008-01-07

      Now I understand how it works.

  • pistle potter

    pistle potter - 2020-09-25

    Yes, if you are running same platform on both physical and virtual because virtual os is running on your virtual machine if it gets infected that means your physical also get infected because on a contemporary your virtual is also running on your physical machine and it might spread to your whole physical machine.


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