ChiJoan - 2005-02-04

This program will be interesting to check out later, but I wish someone could work on Teeny-Linux (See and bring it up-to-date. Xandros Linux said it was for version 2.0 of Linux.  I'd hate to think of putting an old version of Linux on just to be able to save my Tandy Model 100 files to it.   If I did that I might as well use DOS.   True, even the Windows versions of Teeny doesn't work  on Fat32 or NTFS.

What are all those African reporters to do with these Tandy Model 100, 102, and 200 laptops that are to be collected and sent to them?  Please remember that not all old computers are just to be emulated.  I have nothing against it especially if it brings more programs and programmers for these find work horses into the field.

Off my soapbox, and back to my books, at home I have plenty of desktop PCs to use, but only my Tandy Model 100 and 200 as laptops to take to class and library.

Thanks for reading,