
#29 Inconsistent snap to grid


ver 0.21.1

The snap to grid feature works inconsistently. When moving a tool, sometimes it snaps to the closest anchor point, but other times it chooses to snap to one of the farther points. There's no visual clue where it's going to snap now. Moreover, when moving a group of tools, they often snap differently, thus changing their relative positions.

Expected behavior: a tool always snaps to the visually closest anchor point. If a group of tools is moved, all the tools in the group snap consistently.


  • SnakE

    SnakE - 2007-11-05

    This patch fixes the inconsistent snapping problem

  • SnakE

    SnakE - 2007-11-05

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    I attached a simple patch that fixes this problem. Hope this helps.
    File Added: snap.diff

  • SnakE

    SnakE - 2007-11-17

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    Actually snap to grid *should* work as follows:
    1. All objects keep their precise coordinates and dimensions and display according to those precise coordinates, without change
    2. When you either finish moving an object or change its contents, and snap to grid is enabled, the object must update its coordinates according to the snap rules
    3. There should be a menu item, snap all, in case you've changed grid size and wanted all the objects to re-align
    4. At no other circumstances objects should change their coordinates
    This makes snap consistent, old schemes readable, and program code simpler.

  • adam

    adam - 2010-01-11

    i'd like to see this patch included in the next build. its my only gripe about violet so far :)


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